According to regulations of the Hanoi Department of Education and Training, there are five subjects eligible for direct admission to grade 10 of public high schools in the 2025-2026 school year.
Firstly , students of the Ethnic Boarding School who have graduated from junior high school are admitted directly to grade 10 of the Ethnic Boarding School;
Second , students are ethnic minorities as stipulated in Decree No. 57/2017/ND-CP dated May 9, 2017 of the Government regulating preferential admission policies and learning support for preschool children, pupils and students (belonging to one of the following 16 ethnic groups: Cong, Mang, Pu Peo, Si La, Co Lao, Bo Y, La Ha, Ngai, Chut, O Du, Brau, Ro Mam, Lo Lo, Lu, Pa Then, La Hu).
Third , students with disabilities. Students with disabilities are students with one or more body parts or functional impairments that are manifested in abnormal forms, causing difficulties in work, daily life, and study;
Students with disabilities must have a Certificate of Disability issued by the Chairman of the Commune People's Committee and submit it to the educational institution when applying for direct admission.
Fourth , junior high school students who win national prizes organized by the Ministry of Education and Training or in coordination with ministries and ministerial-level agencies on a national scale for competitions, exams, and contests (collectively referred to as contests) on culture, arts, sports; and scientific and technical research competitions.
Fifth , secondary school students who won prizes in international competitions are selected by the Minister of Education and Training.
Candidates belonging to one of the five direct admission categories mentioned above are only eligible to register for direct admission when the student (or the student's father, mother, or guardian) has a permanent residence in Hanoi.
The Hanoi Department of Education and Training stipulates that students can only be directly admitted to a public high school in the enrollment area where the student (or the student's father, mother or guardian) has a permanent residence;
In case students are eligible for direct admission but do not wish to be directly admitted, they must take the entrance exam to grade 10 of non-specialized public high schools in the 2025-2026 school year;
In case students have NV to directly enroll in self-financed public high schools or private high schools, they must contact and register directly with the school.
* Direct admission schedule is as follows:
On April 18, students eligible for direct admission submitted their applications for direct admission at the educational institution where they were in grade 9.
On April 21, educational institutions with students eligible for direct admission will check the records and submit to the Department of Education and Training a list of students eligible for direct admission and accompanying records;
On May 8, the Department of Education and Training made a list of students eligible for direct admission and submitted the accompanying documents to the Department of Education and Training;
No later than May 23: The Department of Education and Training will announce the list of students admitted directly for the 2025-2026 school year.
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