(kontumtv.vn) – With the forecast of many fluctuations in the situation in 2025, Vietnamese enterprises are transforming strongly to increase product value and conquer the international market.

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The chain of transferring exported rice from the factory to the boat. Photo: Hong Dat/VNA

Instead of being exported in fresh or raw form, many Vietnamese products are now exported with deeper processing content, bringing great value. This contributes to improving the quality and diversifying products, diversifying product lines and shifting from developing supply chains to developing industry value chains, keeping up with the consumption trends of the global market.

Optimizing advantages

According to trade experts, Vietnam is currently ranked as the 20th largest exporter in the world out of 240 economies and is the world's top exporter in many products such as rice, coffee, cashew nuts, textiles, and footwear. However, exports still have many limitations; the biggest of which is unsustainable development. Although export turnover is high, the added value is not high because exports still focus on quantity and do not pay much attention to quality and efficiency. In addition, the current market structure is too concentrated on a few key markets and key products.

In addition, export products do not have high scientific and technological content because they have not exploited competitive advantages, science and technology, and labor productivity, but still rely heavily on labor and natural resources, which can lead to environmental impacts. These limitations make export turnover, although achieving very large turnover achievements, not really sustainable.

Therefore, the Export Strategy to 2030 has been issued, setting the goal of sustainable export development. Specifically, the strategy sets the goal of increasing export added value based on innovation, science and technology, labor productivity, environmental protection associated with green, clean, circular production, and adaptation to climate change. Diversify markets and diversify products. This is an important driving force to help businesses continue to make efforts to promote deep processing and increase export value.

Experts also point out that cassava can be processed into rice paper or products processed into juice, fruit kombucha. Many Vietnamese enterprises have invested in technology, researching in-depth processing so that many products are not only consumed domestically but also exported in large quantities.

With items such as grapefruit and coconut, the post-harvest substandard rate is often over 30% because of incorrect size, shape, or color, which has been processed by some businesses into canned coconut water, grapefruit juice, or grapefruit kombocha.

In addition, some businesses have taken advantage of their flour mills to produce super-thin rice paper from cassava and have conquered not only the domestic market but also exported to Korea, Japan, Australia and the US. Thanks to deep processing, the Vietnamese cassava industry aims to reach an export turnover of about 2.3 - 2.5 billion USD by 2050.

Mr. To Thai Thanh - General Director of Tien Thinh Group Joint Stock Company said that the added value of Vietnamese agricultural products is still low, mainly exported in raw form, without deep processing. This not only reduces the competitiveness in the international market but also limits the potential for rural economic development.

Recently, Vietnam's processed agricultural products for export such as fruit juice, fresh fruit, dried fruit and canned food have been increasingly welcomed by consumers in the US and Europe. Therefore, businesses are constantly improving processing technology, improving packaging designs and applying international certifications such as HACCP, GlobalGAP and FDA, helping Vietnam's processed agricultural products gain the trust of international customers.

Similarly, Mr. Trinh Ngoc Minh - General Director of Phuc Tien Agricultural Products Joint Stock Company shared that the company has increased investment in freezing systems, enhanced processing, and diversified products, so the unit always signs export orders to Europe and Asia. Deep processing helps businesses create products that go to distant, widespread markets, and can be stored, so the output is large. Moreover, deep processing will help factories to be proactive in their supply of goods thanks to longer preservation. From there, gradually eliminate the pressure to sell quickly and depend on the export market as well as effectively consume raw materials during the harvest season.

Increase profits from deep processing

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Processing tra fish for export at Go Dang Joint Stock Company (Kien Giang). Photo: Minh Tri/VNA

According to the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP), at international seafood exhibitions in the US and EU, value-added processed products are of particular interest to customers through blending with many ingredients that are highly appreciated by customers after tasting. In particular, deeply processed products are suitable for the current trend of busy consumers who have little time for cooking. These products also bring businesses better profits.

At a higher level, the Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex) plans to export the first orders of fire-resistant fabrics and clothing to Indonesia, India, the Middle East, and the US. This is a product with high technical requirements, legal and copyright issues, not a regular fashion item, through the cooperation between Vinatex and Coast Group (UK) with a revenue target of 2-2.5 million USD and in the first 5 years, it is expected to double each year.

In mid-December, Vietnam Coffee Corporation (Vinacafe) announced the export of the first batch of processed coffee products under the Vietnam Coffee brand to China. The export of processed coffee products under the Vietnam Coffee brand not only increases economic value but is also the result of efforts to invest in processing technology and strict quality control.

Previously, EDE Farm Trading and Service Company Limited exported a 20-foot container containing 18,000 packages of finished roasted and ground coffee under the MISS EDE brand to the United States. This is a complete coffee product, packaged in Vietnam, not raw coffee or processed labels. These products are all coffee processed according to a high-quality fermentation process, with a production line certified by the US FDA, originating from sustainable farming areas that do not encroach on natural forests, certified by EUDR and managed by Simexco Dak Lak - a strategic partner and authorized export unit of MISS EDE.

Mr. Do Ha Nam - Vice President of the Vietnam Coffee - Cocoa Association shared that only through deep processing and linking products with corporate brands can Vietnamese coffee truly be recognized in the international market. Previously, Vietnam mainly exported raw coffee, so foreign consumers enjoyed Vietnamese coffee but did not know the origin of the product.

On the business side, Mr. Hoang Danh Huu - brand founder, CEO of MISS EDE said that in order to convince US partners to import deeply processed finished products, MISS EDE must meet all food safety and hygiene standards. On the other hand, the business is also a pioneer in searching for and importing coffee products from farming areas that meet all sustainable development standards. Investing in processing is the solution that MISS EDE is determined to implement to position the Vietnamese coffee brand in the market.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoang Thuy - Trade Counselor, Vietnam Trade Office in Sweden, concurrently in charge of Nordic countries, said that in the future, Vietnamese enterprises exporting to the EU need to increase the added value of their export products. Instead of focusing on raw processing, enterprises need to invest in deep processing technology and develop differentiated products.

For example, in the wood industry, instead of exporting raw materials or unfinished products, businesses should focus on producing high-end furniture, unique designs or smart furniture associated with technology, meeting consumer tastes. For agricultural and aquatic products, processing into value-added products such as canned food, processed food, or organic products will also help increase export value and reduce the risk of being suspected of dumping.

Uyen Huong (Vietnam News Agency)