According to the Ministry of Education and Training, one of the 10 key tasks of the sector in 2024 is to urge, guide and direct localities to proactively develop plans to recruit, manage and effectively use the teacher quota assigned in Decision No. 72-QD/TW dated July 18, 2022 of the Politburo to gradually overcome the situation of local surplus and shortage of teachers and shortage of teachers at all levels due to increasing student numbers and implementing subjects according to the 2018 General Education Program.
"Review and complete regulations and policies to gradually overcome the shortage of teachers, especially for new subjects and integrated subjects. Coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs to review, develop and implement a new salary policy for teachers and education staff expected to be applied from July 1," the Ministry of Education and Training stated.
In 2024, focus on building and perfecting policies related to the development of the teaching staff.
This is one of the most anticipated news for teachers across the country this year. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Cong, a teacher at the High School for the Gifted (Hanoi National University of Education), said that what teachers want is that the new salary policy for teachers in 2024 will consist of 3 parts: basic salary, allowances and especially bonuses. The new salary regime can make young teachers feel secure in their work, motivated to strive, and teachers with many years of experience will have enough salary to take care of their families, living expenses and children's education.
"If the salaries of civil servants and public employees increase by 30% this year and the salaries of civil servants and public employees in the health and education sectors increase higher than the average of other sectors, it will be a strong boost to attract high-quality human resources for the education sector, helping teachers feel secure in their work and focus on teaching," said Mr. Cong.
According to Mr. Cong, the salary regime needs to be improved, and the working environment for teachers in the educational environment also needs to be improved.
National Assembly delegate Nguyen Thi Viet Nga (Hai Duong) shared that the policy regime for teachers will change significantly when we implement salary reform from July 1. Ms. Nga repeated what Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra said before the National Assembly "teachers' salaries will be ranked highest in the salary scale system" and hoped that teachers will have less material difficulties, so that no more teachers will quit their jobs due to life pressure due to low income.
The Ministry of Education and Training believes that there are currently about 200 legal documents affecting teachers and educational administrators. However, this situation also shows that there are no documents of sufficient consistency, so there are still overlaps. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Training believes that it is necessary to develop a Law on Teachers.
In 2024, the Ministry of Education and Training will continue to actively prepare for this draft law. According to Dr. Vu Minh Duc, Director of the Department of Teachers and Educational Managers (Ministry of Education and Training), the unit in charge of drafting this draft law, the drafting of the Law on Teachers must create and create an environment for the development of the team, not include rigid regulations that bind teachers. The spirit is that the drafting of the Law on Teachers must untie the knots of teachers, not just build the law for the sake of having a law.
In a speech at the consultation session with experts when drafting the Law on Teachers, Mr. Pham Ngoc Thuong, Deputy Minister of Education and Training, said: "When drafting the Law on Teachers, we must anticipate and forecast the resources to implement the policy. When the law is promulgated, will the state's resources be able to ensure the implementation of that policy? What will be the immediate and long-term impacts?"
According to Mr. Thuong, the position of teachers is increasingly affirmed in society. The work of teachers has a great role and significance, so we need to take care of it. We need to summarize and review the documents and regulations of the Party and the State on teachers to create unity, without overlap or duplication. What is advantageous should be promoted, what is still unclear or does not ensure principles must be carefully reviewed.
The Ministry of Education and Training will continue to actively prepare for the draft Law on Teachers in 2024.
The 2019 Education Law has made major changes in the training standards of teachers. Primary school teachers have been upgraded from intermediate to university level, leading to many localities having a serious shortage of teachers to teach new subjects such as English, IT, art... but the recruitment source is stuck.
Faced with a serious shortage of teachers, on December 15, 2023, the Ministry of Education and Training issued Document No. 6996/BGDĐT-NGCBQLGD reporting to the Government to propose drafting a resolution of the National Assembly allowing the recruitment of college-level teachers to teach new subjects according to the 2018 General Education Program.
In response to this proposal, the Government Office has issued a document conveying the Prime Minister's direction, assigning the Ministry of Education and Training to preside over and coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies to propose the drafting of a resolution of the National Assembly allowing the recruitment of college-level teachers to teach new subjects according to the 2018 General Education Program in accordance with the prescribed procedures and submit them to the Government in the first quarter of this year.
The Ministry of Education and Training said that in order to gradually overcome the surplus and shortage of teachers, the ministry will coordinate with relevant agencies to complete a report for the Government to submit to the National Assembly for comments on allowing localities lacking teachers but still having staff to recruit preschool and primary school teachers according to the training standards stipulated in the 2005 Education Law.
Heads of the Department of Education and Training of the districts with the most difficulties in recruiting teachers, such as Meo Vac (Ha Giang) and Mu Cang Chai (Yen Bai), all shared with Thanh Nien that they hope the above policy will help solve the immediate problem of serious teacher shortage that these localities are facing.
This is the year to continue innovating general education; including implementing the cycle of innovating programs and textbooks for grades 5, 9 and 12, ensuring progress and quality.
2024 is also the year to continue innovating general education; including implementing the cycle of innovating programs and textbooks for grades 5, 9 and 12, ensuring progress and quality.
Associate Professor Tran Xuan Nhi, former Deputy Minister of Education and Training, said that to have a high-quality education system, it is necessary to attract many talented people to study pedagogy. To do so, one of the feasible solutions is to pay attention to and take care of the current teaching staff with practical policies and regimes so that teachers do not have to worry about "bread and butter" in their daily lives. "How can we make students see teaching as glorious and noble, where talented people can assert themselves and be recognized?", Associate Professor Tran Xuan Nhi raised the issue.
Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son also affirmed that there would be a lack of synchronization if the general education system is actively innovating methods, but teacher training does not innovate in time. The two systems are not "compatible" and will affect the overall process. Therefore, the Minister hopes that teacher training schools will focus on innovating programs, content, and appropriate teaching methods, as a factor promoting in-depth innovation in general education. Thus, not only is it necessary to provide enough teachers for all subjects, but it is also necessary to innovate to have teachers who meet high requirements in the coming time.
Spirit of 2024: "Courage - Practicality - Quality - Spread"
To successfully carry out the set tasks, we hope that the whole industry will enter 2024 with the spirit of "Courage - Practicality - Quality - Spread".
Innovation is never easy and there are always many different, even conflicting opinions, requiring the education sector to demonstrate its mettle and consistency in order to gain the trust of society. However, in a period of innovation and transformation, we must also listen to and observe reality in order to make timely and appropriate policy adjustments.
Besides, for all levels of education, despite the large workload and great pressure, quality must always be taken as a measure. And in the process of innovation, new elements, new spirits, new values must be widely spread for society to share and agree.
Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Kim Son
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