"And Lam listened, as well as found a way to express with her own life experiences to sing warmly, lovingly, and intimately," People's Artist Thanh Lam shared when recording the film.
"Only when I have new inspiration or new stories that are attractive enough do I want to introduce them to my fans," Thanh Lam said.
The film is the 24th album of People's Artist Thanh Lam, a unique combination of Thanh Lam's voice and the compositions of musician Nguyen Vinh Tien and music director Tran Duc Minh (who collaborated with Ha Tran on the album Nhung con song ngon tay ).
The production crew said that each song in The Movie is like a train car of the "sound train" that Thanh Lam has gone through with memorable experiences that need to be shared. According to musician Nguyen Vinh Tien, after recording 12 songs, the crew thought of naming the album: "At first , On the young crocodile branch , we laughed because all three of us were no longer young. Next was Ma non ro muc , which sounded funny because of the image it evoked. Then, On the top of Ngoa Van, we were afraid that the album would lean towards Buddhist sounds. In the end, Thanh Lam suggested The Movie and we all agreed immediately." Because as Thanh Lam said, this name is both mysterious and very real.
About the movie , what Thanh Lam wants to convey is "let's reflect on ourselves, watch the movie of our own lives, so that from there, we can contribute the most love to life"
The film's colors are as diverse as the moods of the musicians and singers over the past decade: sometimes like the depths of nostalgia, sometimes fresh as green tamarind branches, sometimes fast like the windows of a ship, sometimes slow and calm like steps before the door of Zen.
"Thanh Lam has sung thousands of songs by many other musicians, but this time, with the expertise and feelings of a 'deep Thanh Lam - calm Thanh Lam', I let her choose, feel and sing. Only when the lyrics really penetrate the soul can she sing well. And with this album, it can be said that Thanh Lam has achieved balance and leisurely walking on the thread of melody", said musician Nguyen Vinh Tien.
In the film , Thanh Lam invited 3 singers that she loves to sing together: Ha Tran ( Hoa dang dang), and As she expressed, "being able to sing a duet with Ha Tran is a suitable choice because of the song's mysterious content), Tung Duong ( Ma non ro muc ) and Ali Hoang Duong ( Tren canh sau non ) to create a more colorful and "bustling" whole.
On this occasion, Thanh Lam also released the MV "General and Husband" (song in the movie ). But as she confided, the reason for choosing it was because "in today's life, everyone has to face a lot of pressure, so I think happy, gentle songs will help listeners feel more balanced, happy, and love life more...".
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/mot-thanh-lam-moi-sau-va-lang-hon-185250306132738821.htm
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