Bad breath
Answering Best Life magazine , Dr. James Walker - clinical expert and professional advisor of healthcare technology company Welzo (USA), said that drinking enough water can help improve bad breath.
"Not drinking enough water can be a major cause of bad breath. Because lack of water can reduce saliva production, dry mouth and create conditions for bacteria and leftover food particles to reside in the oral cavity, thereby causing bad breath," Dr. Walker explained.
Drinking enough water every day is not only important for our long-term health
Body odor
Drinking enough water every day can also help you limit body odor, according to expert Nancy Mitchell - a nurse and health book author working in the US.
To explain further, the female expert said that our sweat glands secrete a component called urea and bacteria living on the skin will convert this substance into ammonia. This is the cause of bad odor.
"When you drink enough water, your sweat will be diluted, so the urea concentration will be lower, thereby helping to improve body odor," says expert Nancy.
Urinary tract infection
If you notice that your urine has a strong or unusual odor, you may have a urinary tract infection (UTI). While UTIs can be caused by many factors, not drinking enough water can increase your risk of developing one.
"Drinking enough water helps dilute urine, flush out bacteria, and encourages us to urinate frequently, which helps reduce the risk of urinary tract infections," explains Dr. Walker.
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