The average price of finished petroleum products in the world between the price adjustment period on February 6, 2025 and the adjustment period on February 13, 2025 is: 84.856 USD/barrel of RON92 gasoline used to blend E5RON92 gasoline (up 0.266 USD/barrel, equivalent to an increase of 0.31%); 86.374 USD/barrel of RON95 gasoline (up 0.147 USD/barrel, equivalent to an increase of 0.17%); 92.382 USD/barrel of kerosene (down 0.331 USD/barrel, equivalent to a decrease of 0.36%); 91.282 USD/barrel of 0.05S diesel oil (down 0.555 USD/barrel, equivalent to a decrease of 0.60%); 494,148 USD/ton of 180CST 3.5S fuel oil (up 11,611 USD/ton, equivalent to an increase of 2.41%).
In this management period, in the face of the above-mentioned developments in world oil prices, the increase in the VND/USD exchange rate and current regulations, the Ministry of Industry and Trade - Ministry of Finance decided on a plan to manage oil prices to ensure that domestic oil price fluctuations are consistent with world oil price fluctuations; continue to maintain the price difference between E5RON92 biofuel and RON95 mineral gasoline at a reasonable level to encourage the use of biofuels according to the Government's policy; ensure the harmony of interests among market participants.
1. Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund
Do not set aside or use the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund for E5RON92 gasoline, RON95 gasoline, diesel oil, kerosene, and fuel oil.
2. Gasoline price
After making provisions and spending the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund for petroleum products as stated in Section 1 above, the selling prices of popular petroleum products on the market are as follows:
- E5RON92 gasoline: no higher than VND 20,598/liter (increase of VND 156/liter compared to current base price), VND 476/liter lower than RON95-III gasoline;
- RON95-III gasoline: no higher than VND 21,074/liter (an increase of VND 146/liter compared to the current base price);
- Diesel oil 0.05S: not higher than 19,073 VND/liter (increase 19 VND/liter compared to current base price);
- Kerosene: not higher than VND 19,473/liter (increase of VND 59/liter compared to current base price);
- 180CST 3.5S mazut oil: not higher than 17,779 VND/kg (increase 425 VND/kg compared to current base price).
- Provision and use of the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund for petroleum products in Section 1 above: Applicable from 15:00 on February 13, 2025.
- Adjusting the selling price of petroleum products: To be determined by the petroleum wholesaler and petroleum distributor, but no earlier than 3:00 p.m. on February 13, 2025.
- From 15:00 on February 13, 2025, the time when the Ministry of Industry and Trade announces the base price of the period announced in this Official Dispatch until before the date the Ministry of Industry and Trade announces the base price of the next period, the adjustment of the selling price of petroleum products shall be decided by the main petroleum traders and petroleum distributors in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 80/2023/ND-CP dated November 17, 2023, Decree No. 95/2021/ND-CP dated November 1, 2021, Decree No. 83/2014/ND-CP dated September 3, 2014, Circular No. 17/2021/TT-BCT dated November 15, 2021, Circular No. 104/2021/TT-BTC dated November 18, 2021. 2021 of the Ministry of Finance guiding the method of determining the constituent elements in the basic price formula of gasoline and oil, Circular No. 103/2021/TT-BTC dated November 18, 2021 of the Ministry of Finance guiding the method of setting up, spending, using and managing the Petroleum Price Stabilization Fund.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade will coordinate with relevant agencies to inspect and supervise the implementation of the responsibility of ensuring the supply of gasoline to the market by gasoline traders and will strictly handle violations (if any).
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