Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoai Thu (homeroom teacher of class 12C11) said: All 48 students in the class achieved excellent scores in Literature; especially 41 students achieved scores of 9 or higher. 2 students achieved 9.75 points in Literature: Cao Khuong Duy and Dao Hai Dang.

In Literature, there were 1,050,132 candidates nationwide taking the exam, the average score nationwide was 7.23. 85,990 students achieved a score of 8. 49,254 students achieved a score of 9 and 1,843 students achieved a score of 9.75.

"I have been in charge of these students since they entered 10th grade. They are all sociable and help each other in their studies," said teacher Hoai Thu.

Class 12C11 of Quang Trung High School has 41 students achieving 9 points or higher in Literature.

According to the homeroom teacher, these students achieved high scores not because they "hit the mark" in their exam preparation but because they all diligently reviewed their lessons.

"When the students left the exam room after finishing the Literature subject, I stood at the school gate to welcome them. Every student smiled after finishing the test, so I knew they had good results," said teacher Hoai Thu.

Teacher Nguyen Thi Hoai Thu, homeroom teacher of class 12C11, directly teaches Literature.

With such good exam results, many students of class 12C11, Quang Trung High School were admitted to universities such as National Economics University, Foreign Trade University, Pedagogical University...

Mr. Quach Tan Binh, the school principal, said that class 12C11 is the top class in the school and specializes in social sciences.

Order of Literature scores for high school graduation 2024, Ninh Binh is the highest in the country

Order of Literature scores for high school graduation 2024, Ninh Binh is the highest in the country

The Ministry of Education and Training has just announced the 2024 high school graduation exam scores. Below are the average Literature scores of provinces across the country.
Valedictorian of the national high school graduation exam with 3 perfect scores and a 12-page essay

Valedictorian of the national high school graduation exam with 3 perfect scores and a 12-page essay

Nguyen Ha Nhi (class 12D1, Nguyen Gia Thieu High School, Hanoi) became the valedictorian of the 2024 high school graduation exam with a total score of 57.85.
Dong Thap female student scored 10 in Literature: There were days when she studied so much that she forgot to eat.

Dong Thap female student scored 10 in Literature: There were days when she studied so much that she forgot to eat.

Female student Huynh Hong Nhu, Chu Van An High School (Dong Thap) is one of two candidates who scored 10 points in Literature in the 2024 high school graduation exam. Her grandmother shared that Nhu is a very good student, sometimes she studies so much that she forgets to eat.