According to Mr. Hung, in the first 9 months of 2023, the Management Board of Da Nang High-Tech Park and Industrial Parks has made efforts to promote investment activities, strengthen connections with foreign units and organizations and successfully attracted Foxlink International Investment Ltd. of Taiwan (China) to implement the Foxlink Da Nang Electronics Factory project, with a total investment capital of up to 135 million USD, reaching an investment rate of 11.8 million USD/ha, land area used 11.35 ha.
The project operates in the field of manufacturing high-tech electronic equipment: stylus pens, wireless headphones, battery packs, charging stations, electronic printed circuit boards. When put into operation, the project is expected to create jobs for nearly 2,000 workers in Da Nang city and neighboring areas.
Statistics from the Management Board of Da Nang High-Tech Park and Industrial Parks show that, to date, Da Nang has attracted 28 investment projects, including: 16 domestic projects, registered investment capital of 7,024.78 billion VND and 12 FDI projects, registered investment capital of 702.24 million USD.
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