Ray Petelin (47 years old), a meteorologist living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, is causing a stir on American social networks. Ray has just shared a clip compiling the "interviews" he conducted with his daughter Elizabeth (now 17 years old) every school opening.
Since Elizabeth started kindergarten, Ray has been recording short conversations between father and daughter on the first day of school. Ray always asks his daughter the same question in each clip: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Elizabeth's appearance has changed over the years (Photo: DM).
Special gift father gives daughter every school opening day (Video: Daily Mail).
When she was in kindergarten, Elizabeth said she wanted to be a doctor. Over the years, Elizabeth's dream career evolved, and her answers became more diverse, including teacher, surgeon, physical therapist, magician, waitress, and more.
Mr. Ray shared with the media that he wanted to make a "documentary" about his daughter's journey to adulthood.
"I want my child to look back and see how much he has changed over the years. I was surprised when I looked back at the footage and saw the obvious change in him. Gradually, I made this a family tradition," said Ray.
At first, Elizabeth was very interested in her father's conversations, but as the years passed and she entered her teenage years, she began to feel shy and uninterested. Elizabeth even thought her father's ideas were strange, but she still agreed to appear in the clips.
By the time she was in seventh grade, Elizabeth had become less stubborn and more cooperative, as she understood that these clips had special meaning for her father. Elizabeth’s various psychological states can be felt in the clips, these authentic images reflecting the changes in her age-related psychology.
As she entered her senior years of high school, Elizabeth especially appreciated the fact that her father regularly recorded these conversations.
Ray Petelin became a sensation on American social networks with a clip of him "interviewing" his daughter every school opening (Photo: DM).
Ray said: "Elizabeth herself told me that looking back on the whole process, she really enjoyed the conversations between father and daughter on the first day of school. These images say a lot about her changes over the years, from her appearance to her inner self."
The clip that Mr. Ray shared on social media was edited and compiled by him with a duration of just over a minute. The clip quickly spread on American social media, making many other parents excited to share that they will also record short conversations with their children on the upcoming first day of school.
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc/mon-qua-dac-biet-cha-danh-cho-con-gai-moi-dip-khai-giang-20240831124115374.htm
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