Delicious dish to cool down on hot days with green bean sprouts
Green bean sprout salad
* Ingredients for making green bean sprout salad
- Bean sprouts
- Carrot
- Green chili
* How to make green bean sprout salad:
Step 1: Prepare ingredients: Wash bean sprouts, blanch in boiling water for about 1 minute, then remove and place in a bowl of cold water. Slice carrots and green peppers. Crush and mince garlic.
Step 2: Add minced garlic and saute until fragrant, then season with salt, light soy sauce, vinegar, pepper and stir well. Next, add bean sprouts, carrots, green peppers to a large bowl and drizzle this sauce on top. Use chopsticks to mix all the ingredients well, season to taste and this green bean sprout salad is complete.
Pork soup with seaweed and bean sprouts
* Ingredients for making pork soup with seaweed and bean sprouts
- 200gr pork
- 300gr bean sprouts
- Seaweed
* How to make pork soup with seaweed and bean sprouts
Step 1: Soak seaweed in water, wash and cut into small pieces. Wash bean sprouts and drain. Slice pork into thin pieces, marinate with salt, pepper, cornstarch and mix well for about 10 minutes to absorb the spices. Mince garlic and ginger; finely chop green onions.
Step 2: Saute onions, garlic and ginger, then add bean sprouts. Then add enough broth, then add seaweed and a little salt, cover and cook until the soup boils over high heat. Finally, add marinated pork, stir well, cook until the meat is cooked, then sprinkle pepper and some green onions. This dish is delicious and nutritious when eaten hot.
Green bean sprouts help detoxify the intestines
According to physician Bui Dac Sang (Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi Oriental Medicine Association), the ingredients in mung bean sprouts have many nutritional values that are good for the body. In mung beans are vitamins such as: vitamin A, B, C... and minerals that have an effective role in cooling the body, helping to clear heat, detoxify, treat acne...
Fiber and minerals in bean sprouts help detoxify and cool the body.
In addition, mung bean sprouts also contain a lot of fiber, especially insoluble fiber, which is good for the digestive system. Fiber promotes digestion, stimulates intestinal motility, laxative, and helps push out waste or toxins in the digestive tract.
During hot summer days, people can prepare many dishes from bean sprouts to cool the body. However, when preparing, people should note not to stir-fry at too high a temperature as this will deactivate the available digestive enzymes.
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