On September 24, Vietnam Farm and Enterprise Magazine in collaboration with Minh Son Legal Consulting Center organized a seminar on farm tourism development and related legal issues.
At the seminar, experts said that in recent years, tourism and agriculture are two industries with a close relationship and are both spearhead industries prioritized for development (Resolution No. 26-NQ/TW of the 7th Conference of the 10th Party Central Committee on agriculture, farmers and rural areas; Resolution No. 08-NQ/TW dated January 16, 2017 of the Politburo identified tourism development as a spearhead economic sector...
Accordingly, the farm economic model combined with ecotourism or agricultural ecotourism is a combination of ecotourism and agricultural tourism that is currently becoming a development trend towards social responsibility and an environmentally friendly lifestyle, meeting the needs of sustainable tourism development.
Specifically, to exploit and develop ecotourism activities associated with agriculture and rural areas, according to experts, it is necessary to ensure the following factors:
Space for organizing agricultural tourism activities (destination): is a specific spatial unit belonging to agricultural territorial organizations such as farms, fields, planted forests; villages, hamlets, fishing villages, orchards... Because these destinations always contain traditional cultural values, festivals, traditional craft villages, cuisine and local products associated with environmental factors, climate, and typical soil...
Subjects providing agricultural tourism activities: individuals and organizations are the owners of agricultural production activities. These are the people and local communities associated with the cultural environment, production processes, farming techniques, farming practices, and animal husbandry. Local people will be the subjects preserving and sharing agricultural cultural values with tourists.
Agricultural tourism activities provide tourists with: activities serving the exchange, experience, and discovery of tourists with the community such as outdoor recreational activities (fishing, hunting, learning about wildlife, rice planting); learning experiences (visiting factories, workshops producing local specialties, cooking classes, transplanting research, crop and livestock production, etc.); relaxation activities (festivals, traditional performances); experiencing the life of indigenous people (homestay, programs guided by indigenous people, wearing traditional costumes, enjoying local cuisine; buying products produced directly at the tourist destination, etc.). These activities require creativity, selective investment and create the appeal of agricultural ecotourism products.
Sharing benefits among parties participating in agricultural tourism activities: economic, cultural, social and environmental benefits must be in harmony between local people, tourism companies and related parties. In particular, the most important point is that agricultural tourism must bring direct income and livelihood to people through providing services to tourists (homestay, tour guide, demonstration, providing services, goods, locally produced agricultural products for on-site consumption...).
The role of travel agencies as a bridge: travel agencies act as a bridge to bring tourists to destinations, orienting the design of agricultural tourism products suitable for each customer group. Agricultural ecotourism products can only be effectively exploited when they are included in the product marketing plan from survey, construction, promotion, sale, and implementation of travel agencies.
Destination promotion and communication activities: building brands for locations and agricultural products associated with production locations will greatly contribute to the development of agricultural tourism.
In particular, experts emphasize that in Vietnam, agricultural tourism is gradually becoming a new trend, a "strange dish" alongside other types of beach resort tourism, sea sports tourism, spiritual and cultural tourism, discovery tourism... However, to strongly develop agricultural tourism needs to be realized by a legal framework.
Source: https://kinhtedothi.vn/du-lich-trang-trai-mon-an-la-dang-tro-thanh-xu-huong-phat-trien-ben-vung.html
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