Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes rashes with itchy, scaly patches that are uncomfortable for the patient, so care and mental support are needed to help the patient improve their quality of life.
Specialist 2 Doctor Nguyen Thi Phan Thuy, Director of Ho Chi Minh City Dermatology Hospital, said that on average, the hospital receives more than 52,000 psoriasis patients each year. Psoriasis is not just a disease but a journey that challenges social psychology. The hospital has always constantly updated treatment methods, deployed a specialized clinic on psoriasis to create conditions for patients to learn more about new treatment methods, and connect the psoriasis patient community.
"Psoriasis Day is an opportunity for each of us to light up happiness, each psoriasis patient is a resilient candle," Dr. Thuy shared at the exchange to celebrate World Psoriasis Day - Lighting the Candle of Happiness, taking place this morning, October 27.
4 ways to treat psoriasis
Master - Doctor Pham Thi Uyen Nhi, Deputy Head of the General Planning Department, Ho Chi Minh City Dermatology Hospital, said that the hospital and doctors do not promise to completely cure psoriasis, but will accompany psoriasis patients every step of the way. Currently, there is no method in the world to completely cure it.
There are 4 methods of treating psoriasis. First, using topical medications helps treat mild to moderate psoriasis and combined with other methods, helps improve symptoms at more severe levels.
Second, whole body light treatment (phototherapy), this method requires hospital visits 2-3 times per week.
Third, take oral medication, however, the use of medication must be prescribed by a doctor and have regular check-ups.
Fourth, biological treatment, this method is expensive, currently health insurance will cover 40-50% at Dermatology Hospital.
However, in addition to treatment methods, it is necessary to combine a reasonable diet and home care regimen. Moisturizing the skin is also an effective way to reduce itching for psoriasis.
In addition, mental care for psoriasis patients is very important.
Ho Chi Minh City Dermatology Hospital celebrates World Psoriasis Day
Focus on mental health for people with psoriasis
"Psoriasis is a benign, non-contagious disease. What is good for health is good for psoriasis and vice versa. Things that make the disease worse include stress, smoking, drinking alcohol, scratching or picking at psoriasis. Therefore, the spirit also affects psoriasis, patients should limit stress. There are currently about 125 million people in the world with psoriasis. Meeting, sharing and sympathizing through community activities is also a way to reduce stress," Dr. Uyen Nhi shared.
According to pediatricians, 40% of people with psoriasis have psoriatic arthritis and it is very difficult to heal. Therefore, patients need to pay attention to swollen, red joints after waking up each morning. Patients should exercise, do light activities such as walking, yoga, cycling, meditation to improve health.
A patient with psoriasis
The causes of the disease include genetic, immune and environmental factors. Patients need to be tested to check for genetic factors and to check for comorbidities of psoriasis. People with psoriasis often have high blood pressure, so they also need to limit their salt intake.
Dr. Bui Hong Quan, a psychologist and member of the Executive Committee of the Vietnam Psychology Association, said that when people live happily, their condition will improve. Doubt, rejection, disappointment, and frustration are normal psychological processes of patients. When they decide to live with the disease for a long time, patients will have a positive mood, thereby finding a lifestyle and treatment to help it get better every day.
"Finding a way to soothe the itchy area instead of focusing on the itchy feeling will help the patient feel more comfortable and relaxed. In cases of psoriasis symptoms, be gentle with each itchy part, soothe it instead of thinking negatively. Instead of thinking about why you have the disease, think that you are much luckier than other chronic or incurable diseases. Current medications and medical effects can completely improve the condition of psoriasis," psychologist Hong Quan shared.
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