Offline security attacks are carried out through the method of infecting malware during the process of installing software, files on computers, using devices such as portable USB drives, CDs, DVDs... then spreading to the computer system of organizations and businesses. According to the latest report of security firm Kaspersky, in 2023, this unit successfully blocked more than 114.8 million dangerous malware, while in the same period in 2022, it was over 121.5 million, meaning that offline threats in Vietnam have decreased by about 6% over 2 years.
Over the past 4 years (from 2020 to the end of 2023), the number of Vietnamese users affected by offline threats has decreased by 57%. In 2023, about 53.3% of Vietnamese computer users are protected from security threats, making Vietnam rank 23rd worldwide in terms of the level of danger related to offline methods but still top in the region.
Offline Threat Statistics 2023. Report Source: Kaspersky
In Southeast Asia, Singapore was the least affected country by offline attack methods with just over 1.6 million attacks detected and blocked.
“The decrease in the number of offline threats is due to a number of factors. In addition to the government’s efforts to raise awareness and improve cybersecurity measures in the country, Vietnamese users are becoming more proactive in protecting themselves. While this decrease may seem good on paper, we should still be vigilant in taking steps to protect our assets from cyber threats,” said Yeo Siang Tiong, General Manager for Southeast Asia at Kaspersky.
In 2020, the National Cyber Security Monitoring Center launched a campaign called "Detect and Remove Malware" to remove malicious code and software from private enterprise endpoints, network systems, and home devices. Although the number of threats has decreased, security experts continue to advise users to be vigilant against offline threats.
Accordingly, devices and installed software must always be updated with the latest security; use strong, complex and unique passwords for each online account; consider using a password manager to create and store access codes for important accounts; be cautious of suspicious emails, messages or calls that request personal or financial information.
Users should enable two-factor authentication for their online accounts to provide an additional layer of security to keep their personal information safe. Before sharing sensitive data, seek to verify the security of the party holding the source of the information being transferred.
Khanh Linh
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