The Path of Meditation is a collection of Osho's teachings during a meditation course he led for 3 days at the Mahabaleshwar hills, not only helping to understand meditation but also guiding to regain balance, awakening and touching one's inner world.
The Path of Meditation is published by First News and Dan Tri Publishing House.
Author Osho opens the book with a profound statement: "Not everyone is truly enlightened and not everyone wants to find the truth. Most of us just drift through life, caught up in obligations, ambitions, and half-hearted desires without ever really stopping to ask ourselves: Who am I? What is the purpose of this existence? We live by inertia, according to predetermined patterns, but rarely have the courage to look deep into our consciousness and question our existence."
Meditation is freeing the body from blockages.
In The Way of Zen , Osho shatters many misconceptions about meditation, especially the notion that meditation is a state that can be achieved through effort or mental discipline. According to him, meditation is not the act of forcing the mind to be silent, nor is it a method for achieving a particular state. On the contrary, meditation is a letting go, a process of natural observation, where one allows things to happen without interfering, without judging, without holding on or resisting.
Meditation for Osho is not just sitting still with your eyes closed. It is a state of the whole person. The body is also a part of meditation. Osho advises that before one can meditate, one needs a pure body, unhindered by repressed impulses. Unexpressed emotions, accumulated tensions create barriers that prevent one from going deep into oneself. So an important part of meditation is to free the body from blockages, to live naturally and without suppression.
Osho has asserted: "Man's greatest creation is himself, his self-awareness. Anything else he creates is not of that much value, it will be like drawing on water. But what he creates within himself will be like carving on stone: it can never be erased, it will be with him forever."
Spiritual master Osho - author of the book The Path to Meditation
One of the important points that Osho emphasizes is that there is no one-size-fits-all formula for meditation. Each person needs to find a path that suits him or her. Some people will find meditation in silence, others in movement, in music, or even in everyday activities. The most important thing is to be fully present in each moment.
In a turbulent world where people are constantly searching for happiness outside, meditation is a reminder that everything we are looking for has always been here, within us.
The Way to Zen is not simply a meditation guide, but an invitation to stop in the middle of a hurried life, to listen to ourselves, to see through illusions and return to our inner self. After all, meditation has no destination, but it is in letting go and being fully present that we find all the adjustments whenever we feel lost.
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