As VietNamNet reported, recently on social networks and Telegram, a blockchain project called MetaHub Finance appeared.

Accordingly, MetaHub Finance promotes itself as a project of Auralink Labs Pte. Ltd (UEA No. 202332656D) located at 33A Pagoda in Singapore, operating in the field of blockchain technology and applying AI technology to create, focusing on building an affiliate marketing platform, combining tasks so that members can receive rewards from advertising partners.

The project's mechanism is to attract advertisers and advertising partners on the system called decentralized linked consumption (DAC) of this unit. When users view ads and complete tasks, they will receive MEN (the project's virtual currency). The company also claims to provide products such as the MetaID identification system, anti-bot and fraud solution (BMAS), as well as investment activities through NFT and MEN virtual currency.

This project also organized many seminars and talks in Vietnam (all conducted by Vietnamese people) to call on people to invest in MEN and promised profits of up to 200%/year. Notably, the majority of participants in these seminars were elderly people.

At seminars and events, MetaHub Finance advertises that it is sponsored by Google and Microsoft. However, these technology corporations say that this is completely untrue. Photo: PV

To create trust for investors, this project has advertised on a number of media agencies in Vietnam, and also promoted the seminars it organized, sponsored by large technology corporations such as Microsoft, Google or Amazon Web Services; and audited by Certik, a company specializing in securing blockchain projects on cryptocurrencies (Crypto).

Responding to VietNamNet reporter, Mr. Tran Huyen Dinh, Head of ChainTracer Project under Vietnam Blockchain Association (non-profit blockchain tracing project - PV), said that through the inspection and analysis process, VBA found that the MetaHub Finance project has many suspicious signs of being a multi-level capital mobilization model through the sale of virtual currency/NFT. MetaHub Finance's multi-level model has up to 20 levels, usually above 7 levels showing signs of fraud. In addition, the fact that this project mobilizes capital through the form of cryptocurrency (token) shows signs of violating Vietnamese law.

In addition, to clarify this project, VietNamNet reporters contacted major technology corporations Microsoft, Google and Amazon Web Services to see if they were sponsors or partners of this project. Except for Amazon Web Services, which refused to answer, both Microsoft and Google spokespeople said they did not have any partnership or sponsorship for MetaHub Finance.

Specifically, a Microsoft spokesperson said: "Regarding recent statements by MetaHub Finance that their talks are sponsored by Microsoft, we want to clarify that Microsoft has no commercial relationship with nor does it sponsor any MetaHub Finance events."

Sharing the same view, a Google spokesperson also shared: “Regarding the conference mentioned by VietNamNet reporter, we do not have any sponsorship or cooperation with MetaHub Finance company. Currently, Google does not have a partnership with MetaHub Finance.”

In addition, the MetaHub Finance project also promotes itself as being “audited” by Certik. This makes many people misunderstand the word “audit” as related to financial issues, thus easily believing MetaHub Finance’s call to invest in this project.

However, according to an expert in the blockchain field, Certik does not actually do financial auditing work, but rather specializes in analyzing the security of blockchain projects related to cryptocurrencies. Specifically, at MetaHub Finance, Certik conducts analysis on the project's smart contract security and price statistics of the cryptocurrency "MEN".

“Certik is a security company and most of its work is online, so how can it know about finance to conduct an audit? Because people misunderstand the word 'audit' as 'audit', it leads to the understanding that MetaHub Finance is 'audited' by this company, which means they are assured about financial matters,” said this expert.

Notably, below the MetaHub Finance website, many of its partners are also listed, such as SoFin Network and Box Gaming, but representatives of these companies all said they knew nothing about the MetaHub Finance project and did not know why their company was listed as a partner on the website.

Regarding the information that this project is invested by Gotbit (a digital currency exchange), VietNamNet reporters have discussed with this unit and they said they will respond soon in the near future.