Weather forecast for Dak Nong night 21, day 22/3
* Cu Jut and Krong No districts
Cloudy, no rain at night, sunny during the day.
- East to Northeast wind level 2-3, sometimes level 4
- Highest temperature from: 27 - 29 ° C
- Lowest temperature from: 18 - 20 ° C
- Average humidity: 70 - 75%
* Dak Mil and Dak Song districts
Cloudy, no rain at night, sunny during the day.
- East to Northeast wind level 3, sometimes level 4
- Highest temperature from: 25 - 27 ° C
- Lowest temperature from: 16 - 18 ° C
- Average humidity: 73 - 78%
* Tuy Duc, Dak R'lap, Dak Glong districts and Gia Nghia city
Cloudy, no rain at night, sunny during the day.
- East to Northeast wind level 2-3, sometimes level 4
- Highest temperature from: 27 - 29 ° C
- Lowest temperature from: 18 - 20 ° C
- Average humidity: 73 - 78%
* In Ea T'ling town
Cloudy, no rain at night, sunny during the day.
- Wind: East to Northeast level 2-3, sometimes level 4
- Highest temperature from: 27 - 29 ° C
- Lowest temperature from: 18 - 20 ° C
- Average humidity: 70 - 75%
* In Dak Mil town
Cloudy, no rain at night, sunny during the day.
- East to Northeast wind level 3, sometimes level 4
- Highest temperature from: 25 - 27 ° C
- Lowest temperature from: 16 - 18 ° C
- Average humidity: 73 - 78%
* In Gia Nghia City
Cloudy, no rain at night, sunny during the day.
- East to Northeast wind level 2-3, sometimes level 4
- Highest temperature from: 27 - 29 ° C
- Lowest temperature from: 18 - 20 ° C
- Average humidity: 73 - 78%
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