MONO revealed that it took him more than a year to practice popping and locking dance, before bringing combinations from these dance genres into "Finding Love".

Locking dance is an old school hip hop dance, has a long history and is a combination of free and fun style. These are moves often performed by professional dancers. Both locking and popping are complex dances, requiring high skills.
Therefore, MONO's Dance Performance MV this time quickly attracted the attention of dance lovers.
MONO confided: "These are two dance genres that I really like. Popping and Locking bring a refreshing spirit, creating rhythm for the audience to watch. Even if they sit still, many people will still sway gently to the music."
Amidst the music explosion of game shows, MONO still confidently released "Finding Love" and received many impressive statistics.
Nearly 5 million views after 3 weeks and still maintaining its position in the top 10 trending YouTube, becoming a trend on social networking platforms, especially TikTok - where many content creators use "Finding Love" as a background music for cheerful, energetic dances.
Energetic, humorous and fun content is also created by content creators to spread the positive spirit of the song.

MONO's daring to try his hand at a "unique" and "strange" music genre and style shows the singer born in 2000's desire to develop himself. Many music producers praised MONO for "not being as safe as most artists on the market".
"Looking for love" with Funky, Pop colors brings a vibrant musical space and makes listeners feel like they are joining a party.
MONO's image in the new MV has a strong retro color, MONO's satirical and positive spirit quickly helped the singer born in 2000 receive many positive responses from the audience. This spirit is also what helps him gain a lot of love from the audience over the past time.
Creativity and positivity in changing their image also help MONO's image in the eyes of the audience become diverse and dynamic. "Finding Love" is also the opening project for a new musical journey of MONO in the second half of 2024.
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