DNVN - Several major newspapers in France, including Le Figaro, Les Echos, Le Parisien, Le Monde and many other news agencies, have filed a lawsuit against social networking platform X (formerly Twitter) for alleged copyright infringement by using their content without paying.
According to a joint statement from the news organizations on November 12, X violated neighboring rights, a provision of European law adopted by France that requires social media platforms to pay for the use of news content. The newspapers asked the court to order X to stop doing so and to require the company to provide information about the profits it makes from the use of their content.
Previously, on May 24, a court in Paris ruled that X should provide commercial data related to the use of the newspaper's content. However, X has not yet complied with this decision and is said to be avoiding legal responsibility.
Currently, X has not given any response to this incident.
Thanh Mai (t/h)
Source: https://doanhnghiepvn.vn/cong-nghe/mang-xa-hoi-x-bi-bao-chi-phap-kien-vi-vi-pham-ban-quyen/20241113091222263
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