But then Michael Cramer's health rapidly declined. He went to the doctor and discovered he had Hodgkin's lymphoma - a type of blood cancer, according to the Mirror .
His father, Patrice Cramer, 61, also died of leukemia four years ago.
Michael Cramer first experienced flu-like symptoms, fatigue and loss of appetite.
After 3 months of chemotherapy, Michael's condition improved.
The Express (UK) also recently reported that a girl had flu-like symptoms for months, and was shocked when she went to the doctor to find out it was leukemia.
Aussie Olivia Jennings, 20, had a fever, chills... and thought she had the flu. But when the symptoms persisted and progressed, she went to see a doctor.
The doctor initially diagnosed her with a urinary tract infection. But her cough persisted.
Olivia then decided to go to the hospital again. This time, the doctor sent her for an ultrasound and a CT scan. After a week of further tests and a biopsy, Olivia was diagnosed with stage 3 Hodgkin's lymphoma, according to Express .
The patient will be more susceptible to colds and take longer to recover, may have a high fever and night sweats.
What is Hodgkin lymphoma?
Cancer Research UK explains: Hodgkin lymphoma is a type of blood cancer that starts in white blood cells called lymphocytes. The disease causes the body to produce lymphocytes that grow out of control, making it harder to fight off infections. As a result, people are more likely to catch colds, take longer to recover, and may have fevers and night sweats.
Symptoms of Hodgkin lymphoma
Symptoms are caused by swollen lymph nodes pressing on nearby organs. They can cause coughing, difficulty breathing, wheezing, abdominal pain or swelling, swelling of the face and eyes, nerve pain, and swelling of the legs.
Fever, persistent, intermittent, for 14 consecutive days or longer. Fever usually occurs twice daily, rarely higher than 39°C.
Lymph node pain or stomach pain after drinking alcohol.
Night sweats and chills lasting 14 or more consecutive days.
Unintentional weight loss (more than 10% in 6 months).
Bone pain.
Frequent infections.
Severe itching, according to medical site WebMD .
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