Statistics on total means of payment and customer deposits at credit institutions in April 2024, recently announced by the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), show that the amount of deposits from individuals and organizations has increased sharply.
Accordingly, the total means of payment by the end of April 2024 reached more than 16 million billion VND, an increase of 0.13% compared to the beginning of the year. Customer deposits at the credit institution system reached more than 13.4 million billion VND, an increase of more than 120 thousand billion VND in April 2024.
Of which, deposits of economic organizations increased by more than 81 trillion VND, reaching more than 6.7 million billion VND.
However, in the first four months of the year, economic organizations' deposits still decreased by more than VND133 trillion (equivalent to a decrease of 1.95%).
Deposits from individuals increased by more than VND39.7 trillion in April, reaching more than VND6.7 million trillion, continuing to set a new record. In contrast to deposits from economic organizations, the cumulative amount of deposits from individuals in the first four months of the year increased by more than VND183 trillion (2.8%).
April 2024 is the time when banks are preparing to increase deposit interest rates. However, in general, the trend of decreasing deposit interest rates is still dominant. Deposit interest rates only really increased simultaneously at most commercial banks from May 2024 and have lasted until now.
Some banks have announced interest rates of up to 6-6.1%/year, including HDBank, OceanBank, OCB, NCB and SHB.
Specifically, the mobilization interest rate of 6.1%/year, the highest in the market today, is listed by HDBank for 12-month term deposits; NCB and OceanBank list for 18-36 month term deposits and SHB lists for 36-month term deposits.
The 6%/year interest rate is currently listed by OCB for 36-month term deposits, while BVBank has just applied this interest rate to 18-36 month term deposits.
Notably, although SeABank listed the highest interest rate at 5.7%/year, it is actually mobilizing at an interest rate of up to 6.2%/year.
TB (according to Vietnamnet)Source:
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