In response to the requirements of simplification and reduction of administrative procedures and business conditions, the revised Railway Law project has eliminated 20% of administrative procedures and 33% of business conditions compared to the current law.
Overcoming institutional shortcomings, creating new momentum
On the morning of March 10, the National Assembly Standing Committee gave its opinion on the draft Law on Railways (amended). Authorized by the Minister of Construction, Deputy Minister of Construction Nguyen Danh Huy presented the project proposal.
Deputy Minister of Construction Nguyen Danh Huy presented the draft Law on Railways (amended) (Photo: National Assembly Media).
Deputy Minister Nguyen Danh Huy said that the draft law was developed to continue institutionalizing the Party and State's policies and guidelines on railway development; overcome existing institutional shortcomings and inadequacies, create new momentum for the development of the railway industry, promote the competitiveness of railway transport, and serve the travel needs of the people.
The draft law is built on five guiding viewpoints, especially focusing on promoting decentralization and delegation of power in railway operations; mobilizing maximum resources to develop railway infrastructure, in which the state budget plays a leading role, attracting all economic sectors to participate in railway business...
Accordingly, to meet the requirements of simplification and reduction of administrative procedures and business conditions, the draft law has removed regulations on 20% of administrative procedures and 33% of business conditions compared to the current Railway Law.
"In the 2017 Railway Law, there are 20 administrative procedures. The current draft law has cut 4 administrative procedures, revised the implementing subjects of 10 administrative procedures to create more convenience and only inherited 6 administrative procedures.
These administrative procedures have been carefully assessed by the Ministry of Construction in the Administrative Procedure Impact Assessment Report," Deputy Minister Huy informed.
To promote decentralization and delegation of power, the draft law has proposed strong decentralization to local authorities in investment and management of railway infrastructure operations; has adjusted some authorities from the Government and Prime Minister to the Minister of Construction and local authorities for implementation.
Specifically, decentralizing authority to local authorities to carry out 10 administrative procedures on: approving the policy of building level crossings; granting and extending level crossing construction permits for local railways and specialized railways; granting certificates of registration of railway vehicles; granting train driving licenses on specialized railways and local railways.
Decentralize a content from the Prime Minister to the Minister of Construction to implement the approval of railway route and station planning.
Propose to assign the Minister of Construction to specify the age limit for using railway vehicles instead of assigning the Government to specify this content in detail as in the 2017 Railway Law.
Classification of 3 Vietnam railway systems
The draft law also amends and supplements five contents on: investment in developing railway infrastructure; management and exploitation of railway infrastructure; railway transport activities; connecting transport modes; development of railway industry and human resources.
In particular, regarding the management and exploitation of railway infrastructure, the draft law amends and supplements regulations on the classification of Vietnam's railway system, including national railways, local railways (including urban railways and conventional railways transporting both passengers and goods to serve local development needs) and specialized railways.
This regulation aims to address the practical needs of localities such as Binh Duong, Tay Ninh, Thanh Hoa... that have a need to invest in conventional railways (not urban railways).
View of the meeting (Photo: National Assembly Media).
The draft law has amended and supplemented regulations on the organization assigned to manage railway infrastructure assets invested by the State to organize the management and maintenance of railway infrastructure in order to remove obstacles that have existed for many years in the assignment of national railway infrastructure assets to the Vietnam Railway Corporation.
At the same time, amend and supplement regulations on leasing and transferring for a limited time the right to exploit railway infrastructure assets invested by the State to attract and diversify types of enterprises participating in railway management and investment development such as "Public leadership - private administration", "Public investment - private management", "Private investment - public use"...
Proposal to supplement principles for railway industry development
Presenting the review report, Chairman of the Committee for Science, Technology and Environment Le Quang Huy said the draft law has specified 5 groups of policies that have been approved.
Commenting on the proposed review of railway classification and technical levels, the Committee on Science, Technology and Environment proposed clarifying the roles and responsibilities of management agencies for each type of railway, especially for specialized railways.
Chairman of the Committee on Science, Technology and Environment Le Quang Huy presented the inspection report (Photo: National Assembly Media).
At the same time, it is also necessary to clarify that the connection between these types in the national railway transport system may lack synchronization, affecting transport efficiency and the connection between transport modes.
The committee also proposed to study and supplement principles in the development of railway industry and railway vehicles.
For example, encouraging localization and development of domestic industry, promoting the connection between the railway industry and supporting industries; technological innovation and technology transfer to improve production and operation efficiency and enhance competitiveness; safety, efficiency and environmental protection in all stages from production, assembly, maintenance to operation of railway vehicles; synchronizing training plans, developing human resources participating in research and activities in the railway sector, moving towards technological autonomy.
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