Bringing the Law to Life
Comrade Vu Thanh Lich, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture and Sports, said: Implementing the Law on Cultural Heritage (2001), the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Cultural Heritage (2009), the Government's Decrees, and the guiding Circulars of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Department of Culture and Sports has advised the Provincial People's Committee to direct the implementation and gradually bring the Law into life.
Accordingly, the Provincial People's Committee has directed specialized agencies, relevant units, and People's Committees of districts and cities to strictly implement legal documents related to cultural heritage management in the province. The Provincial People's Committee issued an action program to implement Resolution 33 and Resolution 10 of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee on building and developing Ninh Binh culture and people until 2020, with a vision to 2030, to meet the requirements of integration and sustainable development, focusing on cultural heritage conservation...
The work of propagating and disseminating the Law on Cultural Heritage and sub-law documents is carried out in many diverse and rich forms such as: Organizing training, knowledge improvement, thematic talks; propaganda on the system of newspapers, radio, Internet; visual propaganda through billboards, posters, slogans, banners, the province's electronic information page; propaganda at relics, festivals, events... Thereby helping all levels, branches, agencies, units, localities, and people understand and grasp the regulations to properly implement the Law.
According to Mr. Vu Thanh Lich, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture and Sports, one of the outstanding results in implementing the Law on Cultural Heritage is that the decentralization of cultural heritage management has been focused on. Before the Law on Cultural Heritage was issued, the responsibility for managing, protecting and promoting the value of cultural heritage, especially ranked relics, was not clear and specific, leading to lax management, many relics were degraded but not restored and embellished in a timely manner. Since the Law on Cultural Heritage was issued and took effect, it has specifically and clearly stipulated the management responsibility for each level of government, ministries, branches at the central level, and specialized agencies at the local level. On that basis, all levels and branches from the provincial to the grassroots level have clearly defined their responsibilities in managing, protecting and promoting the value of heritage.
For Ninh Binh province, in order to promote the implementation of the Law on Cultural Heritage and legal regulations on heritage management and protection, in 2015, the Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 34 on promulgating the Regulation on management, protection and promotion of the value of historical-cultural relics and scenic spots ranked in Ninh Binh province. This regulation has decentralized and clarified the responsibilities and coordination relationships of all levels and sectors in the management of activities, protection and promotion of the value of relics. In particular, direct management rights are given to local authorities and relic owners, which are residential communities. This regulation has removed difficulties for State management of the cultural sector in general and the province's heritage in particular. Thanks to that, the situation of encroachment and land encroachment on relics has been basically prevented in a timely manner. The work of restoration, embellishment and protection of relics has been strictly implemented. Cultural heritages, especially historical and cultural relics, scenic spots, and traditional festivals are protected and promoted".
Along with that, the work of inspection, examination and handling of violations of the law on cultural heritage is carried out regularly. Every year, the Department of Culture and Sports organizes inspection teams to manage, protect and promote the value of relics in localities in the province. From 2010 to present, 174 relics and places of worship have been inspected. Through inspection, the Inspection Team promptly reminded and requested the Management Board of the relics to strictly comply with the provisions of the law stipulated in the Law on Cultural Heritage and its guiding documents. Therefore, the work of managing and promoting the value of relics, monitoring and guiding the organization of festivals must ensure compliance with regulations, safety, and suitability with the civilized lifestyle and cultural traditions of the locality.
Improve the effectiveness of conservation and promotion of heritage values
Ninh Binh is one of the top 5 provinces and cities in the country in terms of the number of historical and cultural relics, with 1,821 relics inventoried, of many different types. By April 2024, the whole province had 405 ranked relics (324 provincial-level relics, 81 national-level relics, including 3 special national-level relics, 1 World Cultural and Natural Heritage Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex). Closely connected with tangible cultural heritages is a unique and famous intangible cultural heritage system with 393 heritages, of which 7 heritages are included in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List.
In order to transform cultural heritages into resources and "soft power" for sustainable socio-economic development, Ninh Binh province has attached importance to strictly implementing the Law on Cultural Heritage, focusing on strictly implementing regulations on preserving and promoting the value of heritages. Accordingly, the work of preserving and promoting the value of heritages of the land and people of Hoa Lu Ancient Capital has been comprehensively carried out from research and identification activities to activities of protecting, preserving and promoting the value of heritages. Every year, the province allocates budget resources to restore and prevent degradation for 20-25 relics. From 2007-2024, 335 relics in the province have been restored and prevented from degradation, with support from the provincial budget with a total cost of 62.1 billion VND.
The restoration and embellishment are carried out seriously, under the management and guidance of specialized agencies and in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Cultural Heritage. The restored and embellished relics basically overcome the state of degradation, ensuring long-term safety for the works, meeting the cultural, religious and spiritual needs of the people. Special attention is paid to archaeological research and excavation.
The work of teaching and promoting the value of intangible cultural heritage, especially traditional local art forms, has received special attention from the provincial to grassroots levels. Thanks to that, traditional festivals have been restored and developed, many traditional art forms have been interested in and restored such as Cheo singing, Xam singing, water puppetry, lion dance, dragon dance, drum dance, etc.
The important results achieved after more than 20 years of implementing the Law on Cultural Heritage in the province are very remarkable. However, in the process of implementing the Law on Cultural Heritage in recent times, there are still limitations and difficulties that need to be resolved soon. That is, some localities in the province are confused in establishing and organizing the activities of the Management Board of relics, especially special relics. The awareness of some Party committees, local authorities, and Management Boards of relics about the role and responsibility in managing, protecting and promoting the value of cultural heritage in general and relics in particular is not really adequate. Financial resources and facilities to implement the Law on Cultural Heritage and other related legal documents have not met the practical requirements.
In addition, some regulations in the field of preservation, restoration and rehabilitation of relics, especially regulations allowing construction of works within the protected area of relics... still have many shortcomings in terms of process, procedures and time.
Faced with the above difficulties and shortcomings, recently, during the survey of the implementation of the Law on Cultural Heritage by the Provincial Delegation of National Assembly Deputies, the Department of Culture and Sports also reflected and proposed solutions and recommendations for the Provincial Delegation of National Assembly Deputies to synthesize and report to the National Assembly, the Government and relevant ministries and branches for consideration. In the context of the 7th session of the 15th National Assembly taking place and at this session, the National Assembly is considering amending the Law on Cultural Heritage, the recommendations and proposals of Ninh Binh will be an important practical basis for the Provincial Delegation of National Assembly Deputies to participate in the development and completion of the Law project, thereby contributing to creating the most favorable legal corridor for activities to protect and promote the values of the nation's cultural heritage.
Mai Lan
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