(Dan Tri) - Professor Deborah Eyre - author of the book Super Effective Learning - commented that teachers' words have a strong impact on students' academic performance.
In her keynote address at the RedefinED 2024 education forum, “Embracing Change: Empowering Confidence and Happiness,” Professor Deborah Eyre cited a study from 1968 that looked at how teachers’ expectations can impact students.
Accordingly, the study divided students in the classroom into different groups, and paid special attention to teachers about a group of students with learning potential.
Teachers have high expectations for this group of students. As a result, after a while, all students in the high-potential group are achieving well.
However, the truth is that the teachers were not given the right input. The students in the potential group were actually selected at random. But because the teachers thought this was the potential group, they set expectations. That expectation had a positive effect on the students.
Professor Deborah Eyre at the RedefinED 2024 education forum held on the morning of November 22 (Photo: My Van).
In another survey, Professor Deborah Eyre asked teachers and parents the same multiple-choice question: "What percentage of students in your school are likely to achieve high results?" The four possible answers for survey respondents were: 36%, 57%, 83%, and 99%.
"Teachers chose 36%, students chose 57%, but the correct answer is 99%. We believe that any student can be trained to become a high achiever, if the teacher expects it," affirmed Professor Deborah Eyre.
Citing the case of learning to drive, the female professor analyzed: there are people who learn to drive very easily, passing the test once, and there are also people who find it very difficult, having to take the test many times to pass. However, it cannot be said that the person who passes the test the first time will drive better than the person who has to take the test many times.
"How long it takes you to pass your test doesn't determine how good a driver you are.
Similarly in school, we often think that the student who grasps the lesson the fastest is the best student, but many studies show that students who take longer to grasp the knowledge are still able to go further in their studies.
With the same destination, some students go faster, some students go slower. What teachers need to do is be patient so that more students can reach the destination.
If students have not fulfilled the requirements and have not achieved the level we want, it is only a matter of time," the author of the book Super Effective Learning emphasized.
According to Professor Deborah Eyre, teaching includes 3 elements: What to teach, how to teach and what to expect from students. In particular, she focuses on the 3rd element.
Effective teaching of what and how to teach can only be achieved when teachers have the right expectations of their students.
From 40 years of teaching and research experience, Professor Deborah Eyre affirms that teachers' words have a strong impact on students' learning outcomes. Students who are praised by their teachers will achieve more positive learning outcomes and vice versa.
Praise and encouragement from teachers will help increase students' happiness and interest in learning, thereby making learning more effective.
Deborah Eyre uses the image of a DNA double helix to illustrate the need to balance academic achievement and happiness in the school environment.
Students of Nguyen Sieu School at the opening ceremony of the new school year (Photo: Hoang Hong).
In the book Super Effective Learning , Professor Deborah Eyes answers two questions that are the concern of every modern school: How to make your students become high-performance learners? How to make your school high-quality, reaching world-class standards?
Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Anh - Member of the National Council for Education and Human Resources Development of Vietnam - commented: "The super-effective learning model can be easily applied to all schools and at all ages.
Each teacher will become an expert in teaching higher cognitive abilities and a role model of the values, attitudes and qualities they are seeking to develop in their students.
We have every right to believe that Vietnam will have world-class schools that not only ensure excellent academic results but also develop thinking skills, social confidence and diverse educational experiences for students."
Professor Deborah Eyre, Founder and President of High Performance Learning (HPL), is an educational leader, researcher and writer. She has held senior leadership positions and advised governments, schools, universities and educational institutions in the UK, UAE, Hong Kong, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, USA and Singapore. Her most recent books include High Performance Learning: How to Become a World Class School and Great Minds and How to Grow Them.
The book Super Effective Learning by Professor Deborah Eyre has been translated into Vietnamese by Ms. Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy - Principal of Nguyen Sieu School. Nguyen Sieu School is also the first school to apply the Super Effective Learning model in Vietnam, since 2023.
Nguyen Sieu School Principal Nguyen Thi Minh Thuy is the person who translated the book Super Effective Learning into Vietnamese (Photo: Duy Nguyen).
Source: https://dantri.com.vn/giao-duc/loi-noi-giao-vien-co-the-bien-mot-hoc-sinh-tro-nen-xuat-sac-va-nguoc-lai-20241122133340011.htm
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