The most important nutrient for bones is calcium. Calcium needs to be combined with vitamin D for bones to absorb. In addition to calcium and vitamin D, bones also need protein to be strong.
Protein is essential for muscle maintenance and growth. However, not everyone knows that protein is also essential for bones. In fact, protein is one of the most important nutrients for bones, according to the health website Medical News Today (UK).
Milk is especially good for bones because it is rich in both protein and calcium.
Osteoblasts are the cells responsible for bone formation and synthesis. Osteoblasts need adequate protein to function properly.
One of the most important roles of protein in bones is to provide amino acids to form collagen, one of the main components of bone. Collagen helps bones have elasticity and increases their ability to withstand force. Without enough protein, bone structure will weaken, thereby increasing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
Studies also show that a diet rich in protein helps maintain healthy bone density, which is especially important for older adults.
Aging reduces bone density, making bones more susceptible to fractures. However, eating enough protein can slow the loss of bone density. A study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research found that older adults who consumed enough protein had a much lower risk of hip fractures.
Protein is found in many natural foods. The first source of protein to mention is animal protein from meat, fish, eggs and milk. These are all foods that contain all the essential amino acids. In particular, milk is very good for bones because it contains both protein and calcium.
In addition to animal protein, plant protein is also essential for health. Plants rich in protein include whole grains, seeds, nuts, beans, and mushrooms. In addition, milk fortified with protein is also an effective source of protein for the body.
Protein is essential for bone health, but you shouldn’t take too much. Studies show that taking in large amounts of protein, especially animal protein, increases calcium excretion. This can have a negative impact on bone health. To stay healthy, people should only take in 0.8 to 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day, according to Medical News Today .
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