Egg whites are the liquid inside the egg, which forms around the yolk. Both egg whites and yolks are healthy because they are very nutritious. Egg whites in particular are high in protein.
Below are the health benefits of egg whites, according to the health website Health .
Egg whites provide essential amino acids important for health.
Nutrition in egg whites
The egg white of a 34 gram egg contains 17.7 calories, 3.64 grams of protein, fat, starch, selenium, and vitamin B2.
Egg whites provide all the essential amino acids important for human health that the body cannot produce on its own.
Amino acids serve as the basic building blocks of proteins, which are needed to build bones, muscles, and skin. Amino acids also play an important role in compounds such as hormones and neurotransmitters.
Selenium in egg whites is an important nutrient for reproduction, thyroid function, and DNA production. Selenium also helps protect the body from infection and cell damage.
Increase muscle mass and strength
According to research, consuming egg whites daily for 8 weeks (equivalent to 8 grams of egg white protein per day), combined with regular exercise, helps increase muscle mass in the arms and legs of women over 55 years old. In addition, it also increases muscle strength for activities.
Reduce visceral fat
In one study, 37 adults with a BMI (body mass index) of 25 or more were given lactic acid-fermented egg whites (equivalent to 8 grams of egg white protein per day) for 12 weeks. The results showed that those who consumed the egg whites had significantly less visceral fat (fat around the organs) than those who did not.
Has the ability to lower cholesterol
In a 2017 study of 88 adult men, those who consumed 8 grams of egg white protein daily were able to lower their bad cholesterol levels, helping to prevent heart disease.
Although it is nutritious, people with egg allergies should not eat egg whites, as it can lead to nausea and stomach pain. In addition, users should choose eggs with clear origins, avoiding buying eggs contaminated with Salmonella bacteria that are harmful to health, according to Health .
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