When it comes to potassium-rich foods, we often think of bananas. An average banana weighing 120 grams will contain about 420 mg of potassium. Meanwhile, watermelon contains even more potassium than bananas, according to the health website Livestrong (USA).
Thanks to its rich source of potassium and water, watermelon helps maintain water and electrolyte balance for gym goers.
An average sized watermelon has about 4,000 mg of potassium. So just 2 slices of watermelon, or 1/8 of a watermelon, have 500 mg of potassium, more than a banana.
Potassium is a very important mineral for health. Every day, the body needs about 3,500 to 4,700 mg of potassium. When entering the body, potassium helps regulate heart rate, stabilize blood pressure, maintain muscle, nerve, and cell activity, and prevent stroke. In addition, getting enough potassium will help reduce the risk of forming fatty tissue that causes orange peel skin and prevent osteoporosis.
For gym goers or athletes, the abundant amount of potassium and water in watermelon helps the body balance the amount of water and electrolytes lost during exercise. Adequate potassium intake also helps muscles recover and develop better, while preventing muscle cramps during exercise. Lack of potassium will affect muscle flexibility, causing muscles to tire quickly and become weak.
In addition to potassium and water, watermelon is also rich in vitamins A, C and especially beta-cryptoxanthin. Beta-cryptoxanthin in the fruit has the ability to protect joints from inflammation.
In addition to potassium and water, watermelon also contains lots of vitamins A, C and especially beta-cryptoxanthin.
Not only that, watermelon is also rich in the antioxidant lycopene. Lycopene is the substance that creates the characteristic red color of watermelon. This substance not only helps prevent Alzheimer's disease but also slows down the process of bone cell deterioration, thereby helping to strengthen bones. Strong bones will reduce the risk of injury during exercise.
Watermelon is a low-oxalate fruit. Therefore, people with kidney stones or who need to limit oxalate can eat watermelon without worrying about their health.
To buy a delicious watermelon, people prefer to choose those with a part of the rind turning yellow. In particular, the rind of the watermelon is not dented, the watermelon feels heavier than other watermelons of the same size, and when tapped with a finger, it sounds like it is hollow inside. Those are delicious and ripe watermelons, according to Livestrong.
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