(NLDO)- Mr. Nguyen Van Tuong, member of the Board of Directors of Thanh Dat House, registered to sell all 1.32 million VHH shares.
*HAG: The Board of Directors of Hoang Anh Gia Lai Joint Stock Company (HAGL, stock code: HAG) approved the dissolution of its subsidiary, Kon Thup Agricultural Joint Stock Company in Gia Lai province. The reason for the dissolution is because there are no more production and business activities.
Kon Thup Agriculture was established on December 28, 2023. Up to now, this enterprise is just over 1 year old.
*VHH: Mr. Nguyen Van Tuong, member of the Board of Directors of Thanh Dat Housing Investment and Trading Joint Stock Company (stock code: VHH) registered to sell all 1.32 million VHH shares through negotiation. The expected implementation time is from January 10 to January 24.
Previously, General Director of Phat Dat Real Estate Development Corporation (stock code: PDR) Bui Quang Anh Vu registered to sell all of nearly 1.44 million shares.
In addition, Deputy General Director Nguyen Khac Sinh and Deputy General Director Truong Ngoc Dung also registered to sell 61,670 shares and 62,097 shares respectively to reduce their ownership to 100,000 shares, equivalent to 0.011% of charter capital.
*GKM: Joint Stock Company APG Securities sold 2 million GKM shares of GKM Holdings JSC from December 25 to January 3, reducing its ownership ratio to 9.7% (equivalent to 3 million units).
*HDB: Mr. Nguyen Huu Dang ceased to hold the position of Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ho Chi Minh City Development Joint Stock Commercial Bank (HDBank, stock code: HDB) from January 8, 2025.
Stocks before trading hours 10-1
*SC5: Construction Joint Stock Company No. 5 (stock code: SC5) dismissed Mr. Nguyen Van Cuong from the position of Deputy General Director from January 7, 2025.
*RCC: Tax Department Hanoi City has recently issued a decision to sanction administrative violations in tax and invoices against Railway Construction Corporation (stock code: RCC) for falsely declaring indicators on the corporate income tax finalization declarations for 2022, 2023; personal income tax finalization declarations for 2022, 2023, leading to a shortage of corporate income tax; personal income payable...
Accordingly, the total amount of money this enterprise must pay in arrears, fines and late payment fees is 3.8 billion VND.
Dividend payment:
*CLC: Joint Stock Company Cat Loi (stock code: CLC) is about to pay the first cash dividend of 2024 at a rate of 15%. The ex-dividend date is February 11, 2025.
*HND: Hai Phong Thermal Power Joint Stock Company (stock code: HND) announced the provisional cash dividend payment for the first period of 2024 at a rate of 3%. The record date is December 30.
*NT2: The Board of Directors of Nhon Trach 2 Petroleum Power Joint Stock Company (stock code: NT2) recently approved the payment of the remaining 2023 dividend in cash, at a rate of 8%. The record date is January 20.
Source: https://nld.com.vn/chung-khoan-truoc-gio-giao-dich-10-1-loat-nhan-su-cap-cao-cong-ty-bat-dong-san-dua-nhau-thoai-von-196250109170112372.htm
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