High cholesterol, over time, can build up in the blood vessels leading to blockages and hardening of the blood vessels. Once this happens, it can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
The main cause of high cholesterol is diet, especially a diet high in saturated fat.
But on the contrary, there are also foods that can reduce this type of blood fat.
An expert has advised eating persimmons to lower cholesterol levels, according to the Express.
High cholesterol, over time, can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
Nutritionist Mays Al-Ali, founder of Healthy Mays Clinics (USA), said: Persimmons have been proven to be great at lowering cholesterol.
The reason Ms. Al-Ali gave this advice is based on the results of a study showing that tannin-rich fiber extracted from persimmons reduces both total cholesterol and "bad" cholesterol, according to Express.
The aforementioned tannin-rich fiber is also rich in beta-carotene and minerals like sodium, magnesium, calcium, and iron, all of which contribute to the health benefits of persimmons.
What did the study find?
The study, published in the international journal Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism , investigated the effects of tannin-rich fibre extracted from persimmons on cholesterol levels.
Tannin-rich fiber from persimmons can be used to treat high cholesterol or high blood lipids.
Bile acid-binding agents have the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels and have been used to treat high cholesterol, the study authors said.
And the tannin-rich fiber (which gives persimmons their astringent taste) has this "bile acid-binding" property, they explain.
In this study, scientists investigated the cholesterol-lowering effects of tannin-rich fiber.
In the trial, 40 participants were divided into three groups and fed cookies containing 0 grams, 3 grams, or 5 grams of tannin-rich fiber — three times daily before meals for 12 weeks.
Results showed that both 3-gram and 5-gram doses of tannin-rich fiber significantly reduced total cholesterol levels, according to Express.
In particular, blood levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol were significantly reduced in the 5-gram dose group.
The authors concluded: Our findings indicate that tannin-rich fiber from persimmons can be used to treat high cholesterol or hyperlipidemia.
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