Here are some healthy sprouted foods.
Lao Dong newspaper quoted a nutritionist in Secretchina saying that after sprouting, peanuts can be eaten, and their nutritional value doubles. Sprouted peanuts not only have a crunchy, refreshing taste but also contain 100 times more resveratrol than peanuts.
Sprouted peanuts and mold are two different concepts. Sprouted peanuts are not toxic, but if peanuts are stored for too long and germinated in moisture, they will produce aflatoxin, a carcinogenic toxin that is inedible.
Do not throw away sprouted ginger, not only is it non-toxic but it can also reduce the heat and irritation of ginger.
Sprouted ginger can be eaten, but rotten ginger should not be eaten. Rotten ginger will produce carcinole safrole, which is highly toxic and can cause liver cell degeneration and damage the liver.
Some sprouted foods are good for your health.
The nutritional value of soybeans is very high. After germination, they will become regular soybean sprouts that we eat every day, helping to increase the rate of nutrient utilization.
Experimental data show that every 100g of ungerminated soybeans contains 0.35g of free amino acids, the free amino acid content in soybeans after 1 day of germination is 0.5g, over time the free amino acid content gradually increases, reaching 1.5g on the fifth day, four times the content of ungerminated soybeans.
According to QQ, after soybeans germinate, the fat and sugar content is reduced, while beneficial nutrients such as protein, isoflavones and vitamin C increase, protein is more easily absorbed by the body, making it more suitable for people with poor digestion.
Brown rice
When brown rice germinates, a large amount of enzymes are activated and produce many different types of hydrolytic enzymes such as amylase, hemicellulase, protease, oxidoreductase, etc. to compensate for the disadvantages of brown rice such as indigestion and slow cooking.
Germinated brown rice contains more tocopherols and tocotrienols, and has stronger resistant starch ability. At that time, brown rice can reduce skin oxidative damage, maintain normal VE levels in skin cells, prevent arteriosclerosis, and have a certain synergistic effect in inhibiting cancer cell proliferation.
Studies have found that the antioxidant content of sprouted garlic is higher than that of fresh garlic and peaks on the fifth day after sprouting, so it has better anti-cancer and anti-aging effects.
In addition, garlic sprouts are also superior in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C and carotene. After garlic sprouts, as long as the garlic does not change color or become moldy, it can be eaten.
Sprouted garlic can still be used.
Peanut shoots are known as "deer of immortality" and contain many rich nutrients, especially resveratrol, which is many times more than peanuts, dozens of times higher than the resveratrol content in wine, which is good for health.
Resveratrol is a natural polyphenol with strong biological properties, strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-aging, anti-tumor and cardiovascular disease prevention effects to a certain extent.
In addition, during the germination process of peanuts, protein is hydrolyzed into amino acids for easier absorption, oil content is reduced, and the absorption and utilization of trace elements is improved.
Note, although peanuts sprout well, you need to distinguish between sprouted peanuts and moldy peanuts. Peanuts that sprout naturally due to moisture, or have yellow mold spots on the surface, or have a strong smell... it is best to throw them away.
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