Lactucopicrin and lactucin are the main active compounds of lactucarium present in lettuce which have sedative, analgesic and relaxing properties.
In particular, lactucin is considered to be primarily a sedative including sleep promoting effects.
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is a herb of the Compositae family that has been valued in medicine since ancient times. It is easy to grow, easy to buy, and easy to eat.
Lettuce is easy to grow, easy to buy, easy to eat.
Seed and leaf extracts derived from lettuce significantly improve sleep due to the presence of the antioxidant pentobarbital – a substance used to treat short-term insomnia.
Some remedies from lettuce
Remedy for urinary retention and blood in urine: Crush lettuce tops, shape into cakes and apply to the navel.
Remedy for clogged milk ducts: Take 100g of lettuce, boil it, then add 1 cup of wine to drink.
Remedy for hemorrhoids, ulcers, and bloody stools: Wash 100g fresh lettuce, 70g fresh lotus root, squeeze to get the juice, add enough honey to sweeten, drink twice a day, use continuously for many days. Combine the decoction and soak the affected area.
....Can roll meat
A housewife said it took her 30 years to learn that this vegetable is a natural sleeping pill. If you eat this vegetable twice a day, you can sleep soundly until morning.
There are many ways to eat lettuce, raw or cooked, both are delicious.
...Or make delicious spring rolls
The most important thing is that lettuce plays a certain role in protecting sleep. For many young people who feel stressed and easily have insomnia at night, they should eat a lot of this vegetable.
So if you suffer from insomnia, simply use lettuce to prepare daily dishes or take some lettuce and blanch it in boiling water for about 5 minutes.
Then drink that cup of warm lettuce water 20 minutes before going to bed and you will have a good night's sleep.
Stir-fried lettuce with garlic is extremely attractive...
People who should not eat lettuce
People who are taking blood clotting medications that are high in vitamin K, if they eat a lot of lettuce, can lead to blood clots.
Pregnant women and new mothers should not eat this vegetable raw because if not washed thoroughly, this vegetable will contain a large amount of bacteria, parasites, etc., which are harmful to mother and baby.
People with stomach pain and colitis should also not use it, because raw vegetables can irritate the stomach lining and colon lining.
Lettuce is a very popular and healthy food. However, to maximize its benefits, it must be used by the right person and the right disease. Avoid using it indiscriminately, which can lead to unwanted side effects.
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