American researchers have found the ability to fight prostate cancer in a familiar mushroom that is widely sold in Vietnamese markets and supermarkets.
Anti-cancer properties of white button mushroom found
Scientists at City of Hope, a private, nonprofit clinical research center, hospital, and graduate school located in California (USA), have just announced a promising study on cancer treatment.
In a recently published study, scientists at City of Hope - a private, non-profit clinical research center, hospital and graduate school located in California (USA) have just published a promising study on cancer treatment of Agaricus bisporus mushroom extract.
Agaricus bisporus, also known by familiar names such as button mushroom or white mushroom, is one of the most widely used mushrooms as food.
According to Science Alert, like many other tumors, prostate cancer tumors protect themselves by producing myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), which prevent the patient's own immune system from destroying pathogens.
New research shows that mushroom extract has the power to break down this shield.
In a previous phase I clinical trial, researchers at City of Hope found promising signs that white button mushroom extract may help control prostate cancer.
Although research on white button mushrooms is promising, experts warn patients not to arbitrarily use supplements of unknown origin.
"Currently, white button mushroom extract products are not approved by the FDA. Although initial research shows positive results, we still need more time to fully evaluate the safety and efficacy," emphasized Dr. Xiaoqiang Wang, co-author of the study.
Experts recommend that instead of buying food supplements of unknown quality, consumers are encouraged to use fresh white button mushrooms in their daily diet.
Adding white button mushrooms to your diet is not only safe but also offers significant health benefits.
Health benefits of white button mushrooms
Good for the brain
White button mushrooms are rich in ergosterol, a good antioxidant that can be converted into vitamin D2 and help your central nervous system develop healthily.
Eating mushrooms regularly will help you improve your memory, fight cognitive disorders, dementia, Alzheimer's and some other neurodegenerative diseases.
Ploysaccharide is an antioxidant found in abundance in white button mushrooms, which is very effective in restoring and improving signs of aging on the skin.
Adding this mushroom to your daily diet will help you fight aging and maintain youthfulness.
Good for the liver
This type of mushroom can help you protect your liver very well because it contains many active ingredients that are beneficial for the liver.
β-glucan and protein in white button mushrooms can prevent fatty liver. Regular consumption of white button mushrooms also helps reduce liver weight and effectively improve liver damage.
Helps lower cholesterol levels
White button mushrooms contain many nutrients that are beneficial to the body such as fiber, antioxidants, vitamins C, D, B12, folate and polyphenols.
These are all important nutrients that can help reduce bad LDL cholesterol and increase good HDL cholesterol in the body.
Helps prevent cancer
Several active ingredients found in white button mushrooms such as ergothioneine, lectin and beta-glucan have been shown to be beneficial for breast cancer patients.
In addition, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) found in this mushroom also inhibits cancer cell proliferation and may help prevent prostate cancer in men.
How to eat white mushrooms safely for health
Mushrooms can be used in many different forms such as: fresh, frozen, dried, canned or powdered.
However, fresh mushrooms at room temperature only ensure quality for a short time, so use within 24 hours of harvest.
Therefore, preservation methods such as freezing, canning and drying help prolong the shelf life of mushrooms without losing the nutrients in the mushrooms and affecting the effects of mushrooms.
Notes when processing white mushrooms
Use a knife to cut the mushroom stem, wash the mushroom by rinsing under running water or dropping the mushroom in a bowl of water and stirring gently.
Do not soak mushrooms in water for too long because mushrooms easily absorb water, which will lose their natural sweetness and make them mushy.
Mushrooms can be used in many different dishes such as stir-fries, soups, grilled dishes, and salads.
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