Vietnam Technological and Commercial Joint Stock Bank (Techcombank - HoSE: TCB) has just announced the list of shareholders holding more than 1% of the bank's charter capital.
Accordingly, as of July 17, 2024, Techcombank has 13 shareholders holding approximately 1.63 billion shares, equivalent to nearly 52.3% of the bank's capital. Including 6 institutional shareholders and 7 individual shareholders.
On the institutional shareholder side, Masan Group Corporation of Techcombank Vice Chairman Nguyen Dang Quang is currently the unit owning the most shares with more than 524 million shares, equivalent to 14.885% of the bank's capital.
List of shareholders owning more than 1% of charter capital at Techcombank.
Related persons of this Group also own 9.4 million shares, accounting for 0.26%. In total, Masan and related persons are holding 15.15% of capital at Techcombank.
In addition, four foreign shareholders, Vesta VN Investments BV and its related parties, are holding nearly 280 million shares, equivalent to 7.9% of Techcombank's capital. Similarly, COG Investment I BV and its related parties also hold 7.9% of the capital.
Morgan Stanley & Co. International Plc has 51.1 million shares, equivalent to 1.45% ownership, and the Government of Singapore Investment Fund has 35.4 million shares, equivalent to 1% ownership.
In addition, Mapleleaf Company Limited, a company specializing in educational consulting, studying abroad, and organizing student exchange programs, is also holding 174.6 million TCB shares, equivalent to 4.96% of the bank's capital.
On the individual shareholder side, Techcombank Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr. Ho Hung Anh, is holding 39.3 million shares, equivalent to 1.116% of the bank's capital.
People related to Mr. Hung Anh also own more than 661.4 million shares, accounting for 18.78%. The total ownership ratio of Mr. Hung Anh and related people is nearly 19.9%.
Mr. Hung Anh's wife, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, also owns more than 174 million TCB shares, equivalent to nearly 5% of the bank's charter capital.
Ms. Thuy's related persons own 980.5 million shares, equivalent to 27.8%. The total ownership ratio of Ms. Thuy and related shareholders is 32.8%.
According to Clause 3, Article 63 of the Law on Credit Institutions 2024, shareholders and related persons of such shareholders are not allowed to own shares exceeding 15% of the charter capital of a credit institution.
A major shareholder of a credit institution and a related person of that shareholder shall not own shares of 5% or more of the charter capital of another credit institution.
According to the transitional provisions in Clause 11, Article 210 of the Law on Credit Institutions 2024, shareholders, shareholders and related persons owning shares exceeding the share ownership ratio may continue to maintain shares but may not increase shares until they comply with the provisions on share ownership ratio as prescribed by the Law, except in the case of receiving dividends in shares.
Not only his wife, Mr. Hung Anh's 3 children are Mr. Ho Anh Minh (owns 4.893% of capital), Ms. Ho Thuy Anh (owns 4.893% of capital) and Ms. Ho Minh Anh (owns 2.05% of capital).
Ms. Nguyen Huong Lien, Mr. Hung Anh's sister-in-law, also owns 69.6 million bank shares, equivalent to 1.977% of the bank's capital.
Ms. Nguyen Phuong Hoa, wife of Techcombank Vice Chairman Nguyen Canh Son and related persons hold nearly 115 million shares, equivalent to 3.26% of capital.
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