After taking a late night bath, Mr. NXK, 42 years old, in Hai Duong, suddenly had a headache, his consciousness gradually slowed down and he fell into a coma. He was diagnosed with a stroke when he was admitted to the emergency room at the 108 Central Military Hospital.
Stroke after late night bath
108 Central Military Hospital recently admitted male patient NXK, 42 years old, from Hai Duong, to the emergency room after a stroke.
Diagnostic film image of patient D.V.D suffering from stroke with large volume right hemisphere hematoma
At home, after a late night shower, patient K. suddenly had a headache, his consciousness gradually slowed down and he fell into a coma. After receiving first aid at the front line, the patient was transferred to the 108 Military Central Hospital (Hanoi) 3 hours after the stroke.
At the 108 Military Central Hospital, despite intensive resuscitation, the brain hemorrhage was too severe and the patient was in a deep coma beyond cure.
According to information from the Emergency Department, 108 Central Military Hospital, another patient admitted before the above patient K., male patient D.V.D, 45 years old, in Hanoi, is receiving intensive treatment.
Previously, on the night of December 6, patient D. was taken to the emergency room by his family in a coma after taking a late night shower. The diagnosis showed that the patient had a brain hemorrhage with a large blood clot. This condition forced doctors to perform open-cranial surgery to relieve pressure on the brain.
"Patient D. must be on a ventilator, his prognosis is very serious," said a doctor from the Emergency Department, 108 Central Military Hospital.
Stroke in young people without chronic disease
According to the 108 Central Military Hospital, recently, the hospital has received stroke patients, many of whom are quite young, under 50 years old.
The two stroke cases above were both young patients with no chronic diseases. The stroke occurred after sudden exposure to cold, leaving severe sequelae and threatening the patient's life.
Doctor Thai Dam Dung, Emergency Department, 108 Central Military Hospital, said the reason why strokes increase in cold weather is because the decrease in tissue temperature not only causes blood vessel constriction, increasing blood pressure, but also increases the risk of blood clots, leading to both hemorrhagic stroke and cerebral infarction.
According to Dr. Dung, to prevent stroke in the cold season, it is necessary to keep the body warm, especially in conditions of sudden temperature changes. In addition, it is necessary to control blood pressure by measuring blood pressure regularly, especially for people with a history of high blood pressure. Adhere to taking high blood pressure medication as prescribed by your doctor.
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