This Thursday (April 18, or March 10 of the lunar calendar) is Hung King's Commemoration Day, and workers will have a day off with full pay according to their labor contracts. After the day off, Friday, April 19, workers nationwide will return to work as usual.
Meanwhile, according to the holiday schedule for April 30 - May 1 this year, workers will have 5 consecutive days off from April 27 to May 1.
Previously, realizing that the holiday had Monday, April 29 (a normal working day) sandwiched between two holidays and two weekend days, the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs proposed swapping April 29 off and working another day to make up for it, so that officials, civil servants, public employees and workers could have 5 consecutive days off. The Government agreed to this proposal.
However, for units working on Saturday, the enterprise will only have two days off on Tuesday and Wednesday and will not be compensated. The holiday schedule for the 30/4 - 1/5 holiday of enterprises working on Saturday will be implemented according to the agreement between the employer and the employee and will not apply the newly approved holiday schedule.
The Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs encourages employers to apply the April 30 - May 1 holiday as prescribed for civil servants and public employees, but ensure full implementation of the regimes for employees according to the provisions of law.
If the company takes Monday (April 29) off, employees will have 4 consecutive days off from Sunday (April 28) to Wednesday (May 1), and must work on the appropriate day to make up for it.
In case of working on the holidays of April 30 - May 1, how will employees receive salary and bonus?
According to Article 98 and Article 112 of the 2019 Labor Code, if employees work on April 30 and International Labor Day, in addition to holiday wages, they will also be paid overtime wages. Employees will be paid overtime wages on holidays, Tet or paid leave at least 300% of their normal daily wages.
Overtime wages are determined according to Article 98 of the Labor Code as follows: Overtime wages during the day = 300% x unit price of wages or actual wages paid for the work being done. Overtime wages at night = 390% x unit price of wages or actual wages paid for the work being done.
Thus, if including holiday pay, employees working on April 30 and May 1 will be paid as follows: Working during the day, receive at least 400% of salary; working at night, receive at least 490% of salary.
The formula for calculating holiday pay is as follows: Overtime pay for 1 day of holiday = 1 day's salary + 300% of daily salary.
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