Giao thong Newspaper's hotline has received many questions from readers about taking a pickup truck for inspection but the inspection center refused because the vehicle's weight on the inspection certificate is 40kg higher than on the registration certificate. The pickup truck has been modified but the information on the vehicle registration certificate has not been changed. In this case, what should the owner do to get it inspected?
Recently, many pickup trucks were refused inspection when they went for registration due to the vehicle weight specifications on the registration papers compared to the inspection certificate.
Regarding this issue, the leader of a vehicle inspection center in Hanoi said that this is a common case occurring at vehicle inspection units when receiving pickup truck inspections in recent times.
The reason why pickup trucks have different vehicle load parameters on the registration certificate and inspection certificate is because these vehicles have been modified with a bed cover (high, low), and the inspection center has issued a conversion certificate, inspection certificate and new inspection stamp, recording the new vehicle load (after installing the bed cover).
However, the vehicle owner did not bring the certificate of renovation to the police agency to complete the procedure to change the information on the vehicle registration certificate to match the information about the actual vehicle load on the inspection certificate.
As a result, from February 15, 2024, when Circular 43/2023 amending and supplementing Circular 85/2014 on motor vehicle renovation takes effect, vehicle owners who bring their vehicles for inspection have been refused inspection.
Because this Circular clearly stipulates: In case a motor vehicle undergoes inspection at the next inspection from the time of satisfactory acceptance, if the vehicle owner has not yet issued a new vehicle registration certificate according to regulations, the motor vehicle inspection unit will refuse the inspection.
To resolve this case, the head of the inspection center said that, according to the instructions of the Vietnam Register, Circular 43/currently in effect no longer stipulates the validity period of the renovation certificate.
Therefore, to facilitate vehicle owners, in case the renovation certificate (issued before February 15, 2024) expires, it will be considered damaged (unusable). The vehicle owner or authorized person as prescribed by law shall declare according to the form prescribed in Circular 43/2023 and return the expired renovation certificate to the inspection unit that has accepted it to have the renovation certificate reprinted within 1 working day from the date of declaration.
When there is a new certificate of renovation (no longer valid), the vehicle owner takes the vehicle to the police agency to complete the procedure to change the information on the vehicle registration to ensure the information is consistent between the vehicle registration and the inspection certificate. Then, take the vehicle for inspection as usual.
Another way is that the vehicle owner can remove the bed cover to return to the original vehicle and request the inspection center to accept the modified motor vehicle with the bed cover removed to be issued a new certificate of modification, inspection certificate and inspection stamp. At this time, the vehicle load information on the inspection certificate and vehicle registration will be the same as when the vehicle had not been modified with the bed cover installed.
"In case the car owner still wants to install a trunk cover to ensure that the items in the car are not exposed to the sun and rain, they can install a sliding cover and participate in normal traffic.
Because sliding installation will not change the size of the cargo bed and the size of the vehicle, according to Circular 43/2023, it is classified as a case of motor vehicles with changes but is not considered a modification.
When the next inspection period comes, the vehicle owner brings the vehicle to the inspection center for inspection. The inspection unit will record on the inspection certificate the following content: The motor vehicle has changed but is not considered a renovation.
At the same time, conduct normal inspection of other items. If all are passed, the car will be granted a new Inspection Certificate and Inspection Sticker with an inspection cycle appropriate to the production time.
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