Ms. Luc Thi Duong (59 years old, in village 4, Ia Dal commune, Ia H'Drai district) said: In 2010, the first Thai people from Thanh Hoa migrated to Ia Dal border commune to live. Although thousands of kilometers away from home, the Thai people still maintain the customs and practices of their ancestors in the new land as a nostalgia for their homeland.
During the difficult days, due to the unstable economic conditions, traditional festivals seemed to have gradually disappeared from the Thai community in Ia Dal commune. Since 2023, when the economy has changed a lot and life has improved, people in village 4 have organized to restore the traditional festival of Kin gong boc may, also known as singing and dancing to celebrate under the cotton tree.

Villagers participate in singing and dancing in the gong festival

Mrs. Luc Thi Duong performed a ceremony to worship the gods of heaven, land, mountain gods, river gods... praying for the villagers' health.
Through the festival, people wish for a peaceful, healthy, prosperous, happy life and are grateful to the gods who have blessed and protected the village. The forms and beliefs in the festival reflect many aspects of Thai people's life such as: production culture, customs, habits; relationships with nature, people...
The gong festival is the most typical and unique festival of the Thai people, taking place at the beginning of spring, with a joyful and bustling atmosphere, a strong bond connecting the Thai ethnic community.

After the offering, the shaman will give out traditional cakes to the villagers.
Young men and women participate in the folk game of throwing con.

People participate in folk games at the Kin gong boc may festival
Mr. Ha Van Luu (19 years old) said that his family has moved to the border district of Ia H'Drai to live for more than 10 years. Previously, when he was still in his hometown, Mr. Luu often witnessed the traditional ritual of Kin gong boc may. However, after moving to a new land, the Kin gong boc may festival seemed to have been gradually forgotten.
"Over the past two years, with support from the local government, the Thai community in Ia Dal commune has restored this traditional festival. This is also an opportunity for people, especially young people like us, to learn and promote the traditional culture of our people," said Mr. Luu.
According to Mr. Luu, during this festival, people also organize "flower fortune telling" and simulate some folk games in production labor, to reflect and recreate some folk games of the Thai community in ancient times.
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