Attending the meeting were Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Hoang Giang; members of the Provincial Party Standing Committee; leaders of the Provincial People's Committee; Director of the Department of Agriculture and Environment Tran Minh Sang.
Achieved many important results
Reporting on the results of implementing political tasks, Director of the Department of Agriculture and Environment Tran Minh Sang said that from the beginning of the term, the sector has closely followed the province's policies and directions, issued projects, programs, thematic plans, and documents to implement the Resolution of the 16th Provincial Party Congress; Project No. 01-DA/TU, Project No. 09-DA/TU; Resolution No. 10-NQ/TU.

Up to now, implementing the Resolution of the 16th Provincial Party Congress: The value of products per hectare of cultivated land by the end of 2024 reached 98 million VND, equal to 98% of the Resolution of the Congress. 62/126 communes met the new rural standards; 2 district-level units met the standards/completed the task of building new rural areas. The average multidimensional poverty reduction rate reached 4.65%. The forest coverage rate reached 59.37%. The rate of collection and treatment of solid waste in urban areas reached 96%; the rate of collection and treatment of solid waste in concentrated rural residential areas reached 83%.
Regarding the implementation of Project No. 01-DA/TU, out of a total of 13 project targets, 4 targets were achieved and exceeded; 8 targets reached over 70%; 1 target reached less than 50% of the project target; Resolution No. 10-NQ/TU after more than 3 years of implementation has created a new look for the agricultural sector with a clear direction, meeting the integration and export trend. The total production value of key products by the end of 2024 accounted for 55.4% of the total production value of the agricultural sector, equal to 100.8% of the resolution target; Implementing Project No. 09-DA/TU, the work of resource management, environmental protection, and climate change response in the province has achieved solid results. Out of a total of 20 project targets, 12 targets were achieved and exceeded; 2 targets reached over 70%; 3 targets reached over 50%; 2 targets achieved less than 50% of the project target and 1 target has not been implemented.

However, the scale and growth rate of the industry are not commensurate with its potential and advantages and are still small compared to other localities in the region with similar conditions. Investment resources for agriculture have not met development requirements; application of science and technology is still limited; agricultural infrastructure serving agricultural production and technical infrastructure for environmental protection have not met requirements; land databases have not been properly invested in, water resources databases have not been built...
At the meeting, the Department of Agriculture and Environment proposed many contents to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee for consideration of policies and opinions related to the policy of developing agricultural commodities; a number of projects of the industry based on Resolution 57-NQ/TW; building a Strategy for sustainable agricultural tourism development in Lao Cai province for the period 2025 - 2030, vision 2050; investing in infrastructure for environmental protection in localities; adjusting the functions and tasks related to new rural areas of the Department of Agriculture and Environment, Department of Finance accordingly...
Focus on achieving growth targets
At the meeting, leaders of provincial departments, branches and sectors said that since the beginning of the term, the Department of Agriculture and Environment has closely followed the goals and tasks in the resolutions, programs, projects and conclusions and directions of the Standing Committee and the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to implement and achieve many positive results. The sector also suffered very heavy damage from storm No. 3 but quickly and promptly overcame the consequences; coordination with agencies, units and localities was carried out well.

Delegates also discussed and requested the Department of Agriculture and Environment to study, review, consider and supplement some contents on population stabilization; collection and treatment rates of solid waste in urban areas and rural residential areas; development of medicinal plants; OCOP products associated with tourism development; tourism development associated with forests; carbon credits; digital transformation, training; perfecting steering committees and organizational models...
Propose that the provincial leaders pay attention to the issue of planning agricultural production processing facilities; readjust the state management model for new rural areas; policies on land; assign the Department to coordinate in investigating and collecting poverty reduction indicators for ethnic minority areas; establish a working group to research and implement projects related to forest environmental services; assign the Department to take the lead in building a list of investment attraction and calling for investment in the agricultural sector; promote the development of commodity agriculture, promote investment and trade in key industries; build points of sale, display and introduce OCOP products...

At the working session, leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Council, Provincial People's Committee, and Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department gave their opinions on the implementation results and organization of the Department of Agriculture and Environment. In the immediate future, the Department needs to focus on stabilizing its operations; continue to review the functions and tasks of its departments, offices, and affiliated units to avoid overlap and ensure continuous implementation; more fully assess the causes of difficulties, obstacles, problems, and limitations in the implementation of tasks to propose effective solutions.
In addition, the Department of Agriculture and Environment also needs to evaluate policy mechanisms, access to capital in implementing Projects and Programs; apply scientific and technological advances in agricultural production for each field and have a specific assessment of results and plans to achieve the set goals; immediately and completely resolve difficulties, problems, and shortcomings...
At the same time, pay attention to issues of digital transformation in agriculture; advise well on planning and land use plans; support policies in land auctions and land leases; review and remove difficulties and obstacles in site clearance and minerals; closely coordinate with sectors and localities in performing tasks.

Concluding the working session, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Vu Xuan Cuong highly appreciated the initiative, determination, and sense of responsibility of the leaders, cadres, civil servants, public employees, and workers of the Department of Agriculture and Environment in the context of the recent merger of the two Departments. In the coming time, the Department of Agriculture and Environment needs to continue to well organize the apparatus, focus on implementing growth targets. Effectively implement the set targets for 2025 to contribute to the overall growth target of the province; add some indicators on land, environment, and minerals as a basis and implementation targets. Focus on removing obstacles and difficulties in the fields of agriculture, land, minerals, etc.
At the same time, continue to study the streamlining of the organizational structure to perform tasks smoothly and synchronously; proactively develop specific plans on organizational structure and personnel when implementing the 2-level local government model in the coming time. Pay attention to implementing national target programs; building new rural areas; livestock and key crops; budget and asset management, etc.
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