The project on integrated water resources management adapted to climate change in Tuan Giao district aims to provide irrigation water and form a concentrated macadamia and coffee growing area (scale of 21,000 ha) in Tuan Giao district; ensuring domestic water supply for 35,000 people. The investment scale of the project includes: 1 reservoir of 5 million m3 , a pipeline system of 120km long. The project has a total investment of 1,331 billion VND (equivalent to about 51 million EUR). At the same time, AFD also committed a non-refundable aid of 1.5 million EUR to help Tuan Giao district develop sustainable agriculture on sloping land, prepare Carbon credit records and install automatic control equipment for the pipeline system. The project will create favorable conditions for planting and caring for macadamia and coffee in particular, creating a breakthrough in the socio-economic development of Tuan Giao district.
The AFD delegation discussed with the leaders of the Provincial People's Committee some project contents such as: AFD will hire a team of independent consultants to assess dam safety, develop a disaster response plan, and maximize water resources; environmental issues when constructing the dam; compensation for site clearance when constructing the dam and installing pipelines; promoting the economic value of people when using water from the project; items under the non-refundable aid; contents under the technical support component and the plan to implement the work components in the coming time. AFD requested the People's Committee of Dien Bien province to soon issue an official document, committing to some contents in the project.

At the meeting, the leaders of Tuan Giao district committed to strictly comply with the requirements on dam safety, coordinate with the AFD consulting unit during the project construction process; clean up and move vegetation in the lake before storing water. In order to increase people's income in the first years of growing macadamia, Tuan Giao district will organize for people to intercrop crops such as corn, upland rice, etc. In addition, Tuan Giao district will supplement the water supply from the project to the centralized tanks of previously invested domestic water works to supply water to the people.
Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Lo Van Tien discussed with AFD about the direction of developing industrial crops and fruit trees to replace traditional crops of Dien Bien province. He affirmed that the project "Integrated management of water resources to adapt to climate change in Tuan Giao district, Dien Bien province" is very necessary for agricultural production in Dien Bien province in general and Tuan Giao district in particular. Dien Bien Provincial People's Committee agrees with the contents and requirements of AFD for the project. Regarding counterpart funds, Dien Bien province will soon have a written commitment to send to AFD. The Provincial People's Committee will strengthen the direction of departments, branches, and Tuan Giao district to closely coordinate with AFD to successfully implement the project.
Source: https://baodienbienphu.com.vn/tin-tuc/chinh-tri/216047/lanh-dao-ubnd-tinh-lam-viec-voi-co-quan-phat-trien-phap
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