At the conference, the staff, lecturers, employees and students of the Engineering Officer School boldly expressed their thoughts and aspirations, shared difficulties and problems in studying and working, and their opinions focused on the following contents: Democracy in military expertise, democracy in politics and democracy in economics and life, training, combat readiness, education, training and scientific research, military rear policies, regimes, standards and regulations related to the rights, obligations and responsibilities of soldiers... Based on the opinions proposed by the school's officers and soldiers, the head of the Engineering Command and the functional agencies of the Engineering Corps received and responded satisfactorily, ensuring democracy.

School staff and lecturers expressed their opinions at the conference.

Speaking at the dialogue conference, Major General Dinh Ngoc Tuong, Party Secretary and Political Commissar of the Engineering Corps, highly appreciated the Party Committee, the Board of Directors of the Engineering Officer School and the agencies, faculties, teachers and units for organizing the dissemination and strict implementation of directives, resolutions and instructions from superiors on implementing the grassroots democracy regulations. Democratic dialogue with soldiers is conducted regularly and systematically, helping commanders at all levels grasp, manage and promptly resolve the thoughts and problems arising from officers and soldiers during their study, work and life at the unit. Thereby, creating a democratic, open and highly consensus atmosphere, contributing to consolidating and maintaining the trust of officers and soldiers in the Party Committees and commanders at all levels.

Major General Dinh Ngoc Tuong, Party Secretary and Political Commissar of the Engineering Corps, spoke at the conference.

The Political Commissar of the Engineering Corps requested the Party Committee and the Board of Directors of the Engineering Officer School to focus on leadership and direction, continue to effectively implement directives and resolutions at all levels on implementing democratic regulations, ensuring that 100% of officers and soldiers clearly understand the meaning and importance of building and implementing democratic regulations at the grassroots level today. At the same time, regularly consolidate and promote the role of military councils and mass organizations, improve the quality of democratic dialogue activities at all levels in accordance with regulations, and create conditions for officers and soldiers to express their views. All levels need to be receptive, have reasonable and appropriate solutions to contribute to building a truly united and unified school, and excellently completing all assigned tasks.

News and photos: LE ANH TUAN