A 59-year-old male patient with stage I lung cancer has just had surgery successfully performed using the Da Vinci Xi Robot by doctors at K Hospital.
Before that, he had a dry cough that lasted for many months, thinking it was a common respiratory disease, so he went to the K hospital for examination and discovered a tumor in the upper lobe of his right lung, about 2.5 cm in size. The doctor assessed the patient as having stage I cancer, no metastasis, normal lung and cardiovascular function.
Robotic lung cancer surgery for patients. Photo: Provided by the hospital
Doctors at K Hospital and Japanese experts consulted and decided to perform surgery to remove the upper lobe of the right lung and remove systemic lymph nodes using the Da Vinci Xi Robot. The surgery lasted 3 hours and was successful.
Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Van Binh, Deputy Director of K Hospital, said that open lung cancer surgery is a classic method that has been applied in the treatment of lung cancer for a long time. However, this method often leaves a long scar that is unsightly for the patient, and the recovery process is longer.
The application of robotic surgery in thoracic surgery helps control blood loss, reduce the rate of accidents and complications, shorten hospital stays, and help patients recover quickly. This is also the first successful lung cancer surgery using the Da Vinci Xi Robot system at K Hospital.
For the first time, K Hospital performed lung cancer surgery using a robot.
The Da Vinci Xi robot is the most advanced generation of robots today and is the only system in Vietnam used at K Hospital. K Hospital has applied this robot to perform surgery for gastrointestinal cancer, head and neck cancer, gynecological cancer, urological cancer, kidney cancer; and now lung cancer surgery.
Lung cancer is one of the malignant diseases with the highest number of cases and mortality rates among common cancers in both sexes. In Vietnam in 2020, the incidence of lung cancer ranked second with more than 26,000 new cases, accounting for 14.4% of all cancers, and nearly 24,000 deaths from this disease.
Symptoms of lung cancer are often unclear in the early stages, making it easy for patients to subjectively think that it is a respiratory disease. Typical symptoms include: persistent dry cough, weight loss, chest pain, coughing up blood.
With the development of modern medicine, lung cancer patients are detected earlier, however only about 30% of lung cancer patients come to the hospital at an early stage and are able to undergo surgery.
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