For the first time, Ho Chi Minh City National University has announced a visiting professor program, following the VNU350 program to attract and promote cooperation with outstanding experts and scientists in the world, contributing to improving the quality of teaching and research at this university.
Specific criteria of the visiting professor program at Ho Chi Minh City National University
This morning (February 7), Ho Chi Minh City National University (HCMC National University) held a discussion to contribute ideas to the draft Law on Science, Technology and Innovation and the draft visiting professor program at this university.
At the seminar, Dr. Le Thi Anh Tram, Head of the Organization and Personnel Department of Ho Chi Minh City National University, announced the visiting professor program at Ho Chi Minh City National University. The program aims to attract and promote cooperation with outstanding experts and scientists in the world, contributing to improving the quality of teaching and research at Ho Chi Minh City National University.
Target to attract 100 visiting professors
Accordingly, visiting professor is a position appointed by the Director of VNU-HCM, working on a part-time basis, performing teaching and research in person or online.
The program aims to appoint 100 visiting professors in the period 2025-2030. Of which, 50 professors will be invited and appointed in 2025 and 2026 alone. The individuals invited to participate in the program will be professors, associate professors, experts, scientists, and managers with outstanding achievements, currently working at universities, research institutes, international organizations, and technology corporations around the world; with ambitions, aspirations, and desires to contribute, build, develop education, science, technology, and innovation for VNU-HCM in particular and for Vietnam in general.
According to the appointment criteria, candidates must have outstanding achievements in teaching, research and technology transfer, with contributions demonstrated through international publications, patents and technology products. In particular, the program gives priority to the fields of biotechnology, biomedicine, chip - semiconductor, artificial intelligence, digital transformation, material technology, new energy, new logistics, international finance, climate change and sustainable development, Vietnamese history and culture, etc.
Dr. Le Thi Anh Tram, Head of Organization and Personnel Department, Ho Chi Minh City National University, shared at the seminar
Rights and duties of visiting professors
Visiting professors will be appointed by the President of VNU-HCM for a maximum of 5 years, a minimum of 1 year, and may be renewed. This team will receive competitive remuneration and support for travel and accommodation while working at VNU-HCM. In addition, they will have access to modern facilities, laboratories and research resources at member schools of VNU-HCM.
Each visiting professor must spend at least 10 days working directly at VNU-HCM each year; proactively plan and participate in teaching directly or online; be ready to organize scientific seminars, co-instruct graduate students and support the development of international cooperation proposals as well as support the building of strong research groups.
The program not only aims to improve the quality of teaching but also contributes to promoting scientific research and innovation at VNU-HCM. Visiting professors are expected to contribute, build and improve talent training programs; impart experience, update knowledge and the latest technology trends for students and postgraduates; propose, build and co-chair research programs, interdisciplinary research projects, and solve urgent challenges in Vietnam and the region.
In addition, visiting professors also participate in creative start-up activities, supporting students and lecturers in developing highly practical start-up ideas and projects. In particular, the program will contribute to strengthening cooperation between VNU-HCM and universities, research institutes and businesses around the world, expanding learning and research opportunities for students.
Accepting applications starting in March
VNU-HCM will accept applications from March and organize a thorough review board based on criteria of capacity and scientific achievements. Qualified candidates will undergo a direct or online interview before being officially appointed. Appointment decisions are expected to be announced in May.
For professors with special achievements, who wish to contribute, build, develop science - technology, and innovate for VNU-HCM and are introduced by a prestigious scientist of VNU-HCM, the Review Council will propose to the Director of VNU-HCM to consider, decide to invite and appoint without having to go through the appointment process.
Candidates submit their application directly at the website: or via email: [email protected].
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