Many admissions experts also expressed that converting to the same scale of scores causes individual advantages to be lost.
The high school graduation exam and university entrance exam are approaching, but the issue of universities having to convert the equivalent admission scores between admission methods to the same scale is still unclear.
Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Anh Dung - Deputy Director of the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Training - said that one of the important new points of university admissions in 2025 is to convert the equivalent admission scores between admission methods to the same scale.
"Waiting" for admission regulations
This regulation has caused many parents and candidates to worry because up to this point, the regulations on score conversion have not been announced. Representatives of many universities said that they are still "waiting" for university admission regulations, so there is no specific information on how to convert scores.
Explaining the need to convert the admission scores between admission methods to the same scale, Deputy Minister of Education and Training Hoang Minh Son said that there are currently two benchmarks, which are the benchmark based on high school graduation exam scores and other benchmarks, such as academic transcript scores or scores from the results of thinking and capacity assessment exams.
"Obviously, there must be equivalence between these two benchmarks, and it cannot be based on the number of quotas set by the schools. Therefore, converting or determining these two benchmarks to be equivalent is very necessary to ensure fairness for candidates with equivalent abilities. The Ministry of Education and Training is working with a number of universities to develop guidelines to ensure consistency in the system but ensure diversity in autonomy according to the requirements of each profession," said Deputy Minister Hoang Minh Son.
Candidates learn about admission information at the program "Bringing schools to candidates" in 2025. Photo: QUANG LIEM
The representative of the Ministry of Education and Training added that the conversion of equivalent admission scores to a common scale is only a technical issue and is a simple matter to facilitate candidates. The Ministry of Education and Training will soon publicize the Admissions Regulations and conversion instructions for schools to apply. This is the work of the Ministry and training institutions. Therefore, candidates should stop worrying and focus on reviewing and maintaining their health to achieve the best results, thereby increasing their chances of being admitted to their favorite major.
Confused because of the first conversion
Dr. Luu Huu Duc, Head of the Management and Training Department - Academy of Finance, said that this is the first year of implementing the conversion of scores of all methods to the same scale. For the first implementation, schools will have certain confusion. The Academy of Finance has carefully calculated the score conversion and will soon announce it in the upcoming enrollment plan.
Dr. Le Anh Duc, Head of Training Management Department - National Economics University, said that National Economics University has gathered scientists and experts to thoroughly research this issue and has now completed the plan. The school's conversion formula will be widely informed after the Ministry of Education and Training announces the official regulations. Hanoi University of Science and Technology has also calculated the formula for converting admission scores to a common scale. Among the methods, the school prioritizes the most weighted selection of talent, followed by the results of the thinking assessment test, and finally the high school graduation exam scores.
Representatives of Hanoi University of Science and Technology have also calculated the formula for converting admission scores to a common scale. Among the methods, the school prioritizes talent selection, followed by the results of the thinking assessment test and high school graduation exam scores. "The formulas for converting admission scores that are being rumored on social networks are not standard. Like other institutions, Hanoi University of Science and Technology is waiting for the Ministry to announce the Admission Regulations before publicly announcing the school's score conversion formula" - Associate Professor, Dr. Vu Duy Hai, Head of the Admissions and Career Guidance Department of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, said.
Are candidates at a disadvantage?
Many admissions experts also expressed that converting to the same scale of scores will cause the individual advantages to be lost. Therefore, candidates need to have a suitable admission strategy, making the most of the methods to ensure the opportunity to be admitted. Dr. Do Viet Tuan, Deputy Head of the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication - Academy of Educational Management, said that each exam has a different way of assessing the knowledge and skills of candidates, with different levels of difficulty, so it is very difficult to convert to the same equivalent score.
"If we want to convert equivalent scores, it will be easier for the units that organize the exams themselves to proactively convert the scores than for the universities to convert their own scores. With this way of converting scores, it will be more beneficial for easier methods such as considering transcripts and more disadvantageous for candidates participating in difficult methods such as assessing capacity and assessing thinking" - Dr. Do Viet Tuan expressed.
Meanwhile, Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tung, Vice Principal of CMC University, said that converting to the same scale of scores between admission methods creates many challenges. For example, it is difficult to determine a reasonable proportion because each method evaluates different aspects of capacity, which can easily lead to errors, complaints and affect the quality of input. To minimize the shortcomings, schools need to develop scientific conversion methods, based on historical data, strict inspection and establish an independent professional council to ensure fairness, transparency and effectiveness of conversion.
Dr. Nguyen Thi Dong, Head of Training Management Department - Academy of Policy and Development, said that with the common score scale, the school will not announce the quota of the methods but will return to the score scale. Candidates do not need to register for admission by method, only need to register for the major. Schools will have a plan to convert the equivalent admission score to ensure that no matter which method students apply for admission, they will always prioritize using the highest result in all methods to apply for that program or major.
Admission methods must be binding.
Dr. Nguyen Trung Nhan, Head of Training Department of Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry, said that the purpose of the Ministry of Education and Training is to convert scores to build a correlation between the admission scores of the methods to make it more intuitive. At the same time, the Ministry also sets out requirements on the relationship between the admission scores of the methods according to a certain constraint, in order to avoid automatically adjusting the admission scores locally. Because this can lead to too many candidates being admitted by a certain method, causing other methods to have no quotas and pushing the admission scores up very high.
According to Dr. Nhan, schools can use correlation coefficients to convert the scores of the methods, and then return to the same common benchmark for all of those methods. Each method still has its own admission score, but these admission scores must be bound together. That is, if the school adjusts the benchmark score of one method, it will affect the benchmark score of the other method. At that time, there is no need to distribute the quota according to the methods, but only need to change the admission score according to the given correlation. The quota will automatically "flow" through the different methods, avoiding one method taking all the quota.
The representative of Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry said that the admission is still decided by the schools themselves. For example, if a school plans to use the capacity assessment method more, they will build a correlation function. However, in essence, converting and determining the admission scores of the methods according to the correlation is the same as determining the allocation quota for the methods. But the problem is that the allocation of quota for the methods is not bound, but the schools rely on the number of candidates registering for that major. If this method does not have many candidates registering, they must switch to another method.
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