Right from the beginning of the Soviet Union, Lenin put forward the slogan 'Learn, learn more, learn forever'.
Immediately after the success of the August Revolution, President Ho Chi Minh launched a movement for the entire people and army to eradicate illiteracy. He advised: “… If you want to know, you must compete to learn. Learning never ends. Study forever to progress forever. The more you progress, the more you see that you must learn more.”
Since then, the story of “lifelong learning” has become the story of each individual, of the community, and of the entire nation. General Secretary To Lam has clearly stated:
“Building a learning society and lifelong learning will only be successful when every citizen is aware of his or her own responsibility for lifelong self-learning; every cadre and party member is always aware that lifelong learning is a revolutionary task with a serious attitude and high self-awareness.”
So how do you learn for life? First and foremost, you must learn by yourself. To develop a constant awareness of learning by yourself, you must read books.
If you want to read books, you have to build a bookshelf, from the family bookshelf to the bookshelf in the school, in the office, in the village.
For a long time, many people with conditions often only care about building big houses but do not have bookshelves in their houses. Now it must be different. If you study all your life without reading books, how can you learn with specific results?
It is necessary to promote students to love reading, appreciate the knowledge from books, and spread the spirit of reading to their classmates, family, and parents.
Once you have the awareness of lifelong learning and have started building bookshelves, then the story is about reading books.
When it comes to reading, we should learn from Westerners. They read books wherever they can. When traveling on public transport, they always have a book in their bag, and they take advantage of it to read, not wasting time.
When all Vietnamese people are aware and take advantage of reading books like that, we will have a reading society, a learning society.
Realizing the importance of books and reading, a group of us established Dang Thuy Tram Bookcase, providing books to students in remote areas, on islands isolated from the mainland, so that students have good books to read.
Nowadays, schools all have libraries, but to have good books, good books that make students love reading, form reading habits, requires the attention and contribution of the whole society.
Dang Thuy Tram Bookshelf was born with that purpose, to make students love reading, appreciate the knowledge from books, and spread the spirit of reading to their classmates, family and parents.
When the whole society has formed and operated the principle of “lifelong learning”, that society is civilized, the people in that society know how to work and study to progress more and more, to accumulate the newest and most useful knowledge. And will know how to live “for everyone” with the highest responsibility.
Therefore, General Secretary To Lam once again emphasized the process of lifelong learning: “Continue to perfect the education system in an open, flexible, and interconnected direction, creating lifelong learning opportunities for all citizens and implementing training according to the needs of the labor market. There are specific solutions to raise social awareness of the role and significance of lifelong learning and the contribution of lifelong learning to improving the quality and competitiveness of national human resources”.
Once we have realized the urgency and longevity of lifelong learning, the measures for a learning society have also appeared very fully. The problem now is to implement them well.
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/lam-sao-de-hoc-tap-suot-doi-185250303155640745.htm
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