The 23 papers sent to the conference in Ha Tinh emphasized and clarified the protection of the Party's ideological foundation and the fight against erroneous and hostile viewpoints.
Tran Phu Political School has just organized a scientific workshop on “Protecting the Party’s ideological foundation, fighting against erroneous and hostile viewpoints - Some basic theoretical issues”. Representatives of the Provincial Party Committee’s Propaganda Department and a number of localities attended.
Chair of the workshop.
Addressing the workshop, Dr. Nguyen Trong Tu - Principal of Tran Phu Political School emphasized and affirmed the position and importance of firmly protecting the Party's ideological foundation and fighting against erroneous and hostile viewpoints.
Dr. Nguyen Trong Tu - Principal of Tran Phu Political School gave an introductory speech.
Dr. Nguyen Trong Tu hopes that the workshop will be a scientific forum for delegates, cadres and lecturers of the school to share and exchange information, provide scientific arguments, basic theoretical issues, and foundations for the work of firmly protecting the Party's ideological foundation and fighting against erroneous and hostile viewpoints. Thereby, contributing to building orientations for cadres and lecturers of the school in training and fostering, scientific research, especially for the task of contributing to firmly protecting the Party's ideological foundation and fighting against erroneous and hostile viewpoints in the new situation.
Delegates at the conference.
The workshop received 23 presentations from delegates in the province, including 10 presentations directly. The presentations focused on analyzing and clarifying the position and importance of protecting the Party's ideological foundation, fighting against erroneous and hostile viewpoints; identifying the subjects, plots, and tricks; erroneous viewpoints and distorted arguments of hostile forces. At the same time, a number of solutions were proposed to protect the Party's ideological foundation, fighting against erroneous and hostile viewpoints.
Overview of the workshop.
The presentations have contributed to clarifying some basic theoretical issues on the work of protecting the Party's ideological foundation, fighting and refuting erroneous and hostile viewpoints; raising awareness, skills and professional knowledge for cadres and lecturers in integrating the content of protecting the Party's ideological foundation into teaching political theory subjects and scientific research.
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