During the French colonial period, Da Nang was one of the major cities of Central Vietnam, becoming an important gateway for receiving ideas, books and progressive trends from the West. Here, many patriotic children of Da Nang and Quang Nam spread out to other places and went abroad to learn the progressive trends of the world, especially the patriotic and revolutionary ideas spread by Nguyen Ai Quoc, to return to kindle the first revolutionary fire in Da Nang in particular and Central Vietnam in general.
In the years 1917-1918, with the tradition of studiousness and dedication, the number of students from Quang Nam - Da Nang studying at the Hue National School was very large. Among them, the first outstanding students such as Le Giai, Luong Trong Hoi, Nguyen Dong... together established the "Quang Nam Association" with the purpose of solidarity, mutual love, and mutual support in order to support each other in living and studying.
After only a short time, this place attracted most of the Quang Nam students studying in Hue, such as Do Phien, Le Van Hien, Do Quang, Le Quang Sung, Thai Thi Boi, Do Quy, Phan Chau Dat, Phan Thi Chau Lien...
Quang Nam Association House has become an ideal destination for cultivating, studying and educating patriotism and love for the nation of Quang Nam - Da Nang youth and students. Here, students are exposed to progressive books and newspapers such as " Overseas Blood Letter" by Phan Boi Chau, " Thu That Dieu Tran" by Phan Chau Trinh and " Chieu Hon Nuoc" by Phan Tat Dac, while being taught and inspired by progressive teachers. These works have raised questions, concerns and a desire in each student to find a suitable path for the nation's destiny.
In April 1927, a major strike broke out in Hue, and the Quang Nam Association quickly became the leading center of this movement. However, under the strong repression of the French colonialists, schools were closed. The students who participated in the strike had to drop out of school and dispersed, some of them joining revolutionary organizations.
It was in this context that Do Quang - a representative of the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association - promptly met with a group of striking students and mobilized them to establish the Quang Nam Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association Mobilization Committee. This committee included members such as Do Quang, Do Quy (Do Quang's younger brother), Le Quang Sung, Phan Long and Thai Thi Boi.
Viet Quang Bookstore on Bach Dang Street, Da Nang. Propaganda and financial base - the Party's contact point.
Most of the students of Quang Nam - Da Nang who participated in the movement were indoctrinated with the revolutionary ideology: "First make a national revolution, then make a world revolution". It was from their deep patriotism that the youth of Quang Nam - Da Nang absorbed and attached themselves to the category of proletarian revolution, a theory founded by Nguyen Ai Quoc through the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association in 1925.
The goal of this organization was to prepare ideologically and organizationally for the establishment of the Communist Party in Vietnam. These outstanding young people then returned to their hometowns, Quang Nam - Da Nang, and began to build a revolutionary movement in their own land. This was also an ideological and organizational preparation for the establishment of the Communist Party in Vietnam in Quang Nam and Da Nang later.
In June 1927, when comrade Do Quang and his comrades returned to Da Nang from the Quang Nam Association, they met Le Van Hien and together opened a school named Cu Tung. The school was not only a place to educate young people but also a base to organize communication and promote the revolutionary movement.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of the comrades in the Campaign Committee, by September 1927, the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association Branch in Da Nang was established with 8 members, with Do Quang as Secretary. The comrades participating included Do Quy, Le Quang Sung, Le Van Hien, Thai Thi Boi, Phan Long and others.
The birth of the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association branch in Da Nang has become a new flame, lighting up the desire to learn about the revolution of the youth of Quang Nam - Da Nang. In that context, the youth here have found the path for the future of the nation, starting the steady progress in the revolutionary movement.
Shortly after the first cell was established, comrade Do Quang stepped up propaganda work and established two more cells. One in Da Nang and one in Hoi An. The second cell in Da Nang was led by comrade Nguyen Tuong, while the cell in Hoi An included comrades: Phan Van Dinh (Secretary), Phan Them (aka Cao Hong Lanh), Nguyen Thai, Le Uynh, Tran Van Tang and several other comrades.
When Da Nang developed a third branch, in early 1928, comrade Do Quang convened a conference to establish the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association of Quang Nam province. The meeting was held at a secret location on Truong Le sandbank (Hoi An). The conference elected the first Provincial Party Committee of the Revolutionary Youth Association, including comrades: Do Quang (Secretary), Tran Van Tang, Phan Them, Le Van Hien and Thai Thi Boi. At the same time, the conference also appointed comrade Le Van Hien as the provincial delegate to attend the expanded Ky Bo conference in Da Nang.
The establishment of the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association branches in Da Nang lit a new flame, enlightening the generation of patriotic youth who were eager to learn about the proletarian revolution in the "Tourane concession" at that time. Since 1927, the General Department of the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association issued a directive to withdraw people and send them to study abroad.
The first class from Quang Nam and Da Nang sent comrade Do Quang to study. After being taught revolutionary methods by Nguyen Ai Quoc, these comrades returned to Da Nang and carried out the task of propagating the revolutionary line according to the Revolutionary Path in Quang Nam and Da Nang.
To promote propaganda work, the Revolutionary Youth Association in Da Nang decided to print the book "Duong Kach Menh" by Nguyen Ai Quoc as a document for its activities. The book pointed out that the Vietnamese revolution was a national liberation revolution, in which workers and peasants were the core force. To carry out the revolution, one must know international solidarity and clearly understand the importance of revolutionary methods.
First of all, it is necessary to have a strong revolutionary Party, because only a strong Party can lead the revolution to success. To have a strong revolutionary Party, it is necessary to take Marxism-Leninism as its foundation and consider revolutionary character as a crucial factor.
At that time, to print the book Đường Kách Mệnh, it was necessary to ensure secrecy, so the Association assigned comrade Đỗ Quỳ to find a suitable location to set up a printing facility for the Association’s Youth Revolution. Finally, they decided to rent a house near Gieng Bống, later called Gieng Bống Street (now Trung Nu Vuong Street). In fact, many comrades had joined the Association but had never seen this book. Therefore, when comrade Đỗ Quang took out a thin stack of paper from his pocket and gave it to Đỗ Quỳ to print, whispering: “This is Đường Kách Mệnh by comrade Nguyễn Ái Quốc,” everyone was moved.
The book "The Revolutionary Path" - a national treasure is displayed at the Vietnam National Museum of History. Photo: Archive
From here, the book "The Revolutionary Path" was secretly widely distributed, attracting young people, students, and workers to learn about the revolution and choose an ideal for themselves. "The Revolutionary Path" became a bedside book, a compass for a generation of young people in Quang Nam and Da Nang to follow.
In September 1928, implementing the policy of “proletarianization”, the Party decided to send its members, mostly students and intellectuals, to work in factories, mines and plantations to work alongside workers, in order to train themselves to become true revolutionary cadres. The goal was to spread Marxism-Leninism among the working class, helping them shorten the process of spontaneous struggle and soon realize their historical role.
From this policy, many party members were sent by the Central Party Committee to operate in Da Nang, including comrades: Phan Van Dinh, Ha Van Tinh, Nguyen Duc Thieu, Hoang Thi Ai, Ho Si Thieu... Together with party members from Quang Nam and Da Nang such as: Le Van Hien, Nguyen Son Tra, Do Quang, Do Quy, Vo Nghiem, Phan Them (aka Cao Hong Lanh), Huynh Lam, Tran Thi Du, Tran Kim Bang, Doan Xuan Trinh, Trinh Quang Xuan, Nguyen Thieu (aka Trac), Tran Hoc Gioi, Le Tuat..., these comrades actively participated in activities, contributing to the strong development of the revolutionary movement in Da Nang and Quang Nam.
By May 1929, the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association in Quang Nam - Da Nang had 50 members (Da Nang, Hoa Vang had 2 branches with 27 members; Hoi An had 2 branches with 15 members; Dien Ban had 7 members; Tam Ky had 1 member).
The birth of party organizations reflected the inevitable trend of the Vietnamese revolution, creating a qualitative leap forward, combining the workers' movement and the patriotic movement into a strong wave of nationalism and democracy in Da Nang in particular and in our country at that time.
In June 1929, the Central Region Provisional Party Committee was established, comrade Nguyen Phong Sac was sent to the South to work, at the same time the Central Region Party Committee established a sub-regional Party Committee office in Da Nang. This office was located in Hai Chau, a few hundred meters from Do Huu Ve Street (now Hoang Dieu Street). The printing department of the sub-regional Party Committee was located on the sand dunes northwest of Da Nang train station.
The activities of the Indochinese Communist Party created a great resonance in the country and developed the Party organization throughout the three regions. Within 7 months, in our country, 3 organizations were born: the Indochinese Communist Party (June 17, 1929), the Annam Communist Party (October 1929), and the Indochinese Communist Federation (January 1, 1930).
The birth of party organizations reflected the inevitable trend of the Vietnamese revolution, creating a qualitative leap forward, combining the workers' movement and the patriotic movement into a strong national and democratic wave throughout the country.
From January 6 to February 7, 1930, the conference to unify communist organizations to establish the Communist Party of Vietnam took place on the Kowloon Peninsula of Hong Kong (China), chaired by comrade Nguyen Ai Quoc on behalf of the Communist International.
The conference to unify communist organizations to establish the Communist Party of Vietnam was held in Kowloon Peninsula, Hong Kong (China) under the chairmanship of comrade Nguyen Ai Quoc on behalf of the Communist International. Photo: File photo/VNA release
In the Party Founding Conference, comrade Nguyen Ai Quoc proposed five major points that needed to be discussed and agreed upon, the most important of which were self-criticism and criticism, "Abandon all old prejudices and conflicts, and sincerely cooperate to unify the Indochinese communist groups." The conference unanimously decided to merge the communist organizations into a single party, named the Communist Party of Vietnam.
The conference also approved important documents, including: Brief Platform, Brief Strategy, Brief Program, Brief Charter of the Party and the Appeal of Comrade Nguyen Ai Quoc on behalf of the Communist International and the Communist Party of Vietnam to workers, farmers, soldiers, youth, students and all oppressed and exploited compatriots on the occasion of the Party's founding.
In which, the Party's Brief Platform and Brief Strategy reflected the content of the first political platform of the Communist Party of Vietnam. The conference to unify Communist organizations had important significance as a Party founding congress.
Communist Party members in 1930 at a discussion to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam in Quang Nam - Da Nang province (March 28, 1930 - March 28, 1980). Photo: Archive
The Central Region Party Committee's envoy informed the results of the Conference to establish the Communist Party of Vietnam on February 3, 1939 in Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. On March 28, 1930, at Truong Le sandbank in Hoi An, comrade Nguyen Phong Sac (assigned by the Party Central Committee to be the special envoy in charge of the Central Region Party Committee) announced the merger of three communist organizations under the chairmanship of Nguyen Ai Quoc and proposed that Quang Nam - Da Nang proceed to establish the Communist Party of Vietnam in Quang Nam - Da Nang province, including Da Nang city.
Along with that, the Provisional Party Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam in Da Nang City was also established, unifying leadership and developing the movement. This event marked an important historical milestone, when the people of Quang Nam - Da Nang entered a new period - the period of national and democratic struggle under the banner of national independence and socialism of the Communist Party of Vietnam.
Source: https://www.danang.gov.vn/web/guest/chinh-quyen/chi-tiet?id=62988&_c=3
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