Applying digital transformation in local tourism development
Cao Xa Commune (Tan Yen District, Bac Giang) is a purely agricultural commune with a long history of development, including 9 traditional festivals and 2 provincial-level historical and cultural relics. According to Nguyen Thi Xoan, Secretary of the Cao Xa Commune Youth Union, the promotion of local culture and tourism has not been widely spread.
"Many people who work far from home want to learn about local culture and tourism, but there are not many documents. Besides, revenue from tourism and local cultural festivals is still low, not commensurate with the potential and cultural values.
In the current trend of technological development, I think it is necessary to apply solutions to support digital transformation in promoting and developing local culture and tourism."
From that idea, Nguyen Thi Xoan established a youth volunteer team to promote tourism at festivals and historical-cultural relics in the locality in many forms: Digitizing information, creating QR codes placed at relics, posting publicly on social networks...
"The application of digital transformation in promoting local tourism has contributed to attracting tourists to visit and experience, thereby creating many opportunities to increase revenue from accommodation and food services...
Easy access to and understanding of culture helps the younger generation to promote local cultural identity more effectively. People can also participate in tourism promotion activities by sharing images and videos of local relics and festivals on social networks. When each person becomes a tour guide, it will help promote culture and tourism in Cao Xa commune more widely," Nguyen Thi Xoan shared.
Improving entrepreneurial skills for rural youth
Faced with the fact that young people in Phu An commune (Phu Tan district, An Giang province) mainly do business in traditional ways and face many difficulties in expanding the market, Secretary of Phu An commune Youth Union Tran Thi Hue has had an initiative to improve digital skills for young union members in rural areas.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Xoan (left), Secretary of the Youth Union of Cao Xa commune (Tan Yen district, Bac Giang). Photo: NVCC
"I firmly believe that if rural youth are equipped with digital skills, they will expand their markets, connect better with customers, and create greater value for their products and services. When rural youth start successful businesses, they not only improve their income but also create jobs and boost the local economy."
According to Tran Thi Hue, the commune's Youth Union has implemented many practical programs to support young people in the commune in accessing business knowledge and digital technology, thereby helping them improve their capacity for sustainable economic development.
For example, organizing training courses on startups, guiding young people to build business models suitable to local conditions, selling online via social networks and e-commerce sites.
In addition, the Commune Youth Union supports young people to access loans from the District Social Policy Bank to develop their businesses; organizes dialogues between young people and the Commune People's Committee Chairman to create conditions for young people to present their difficulties and needs for starting a business...
Tran Thi Hue said that these programs have created positive changes. Many young people in the commune have boldly applied technology to production and business. They do not only see technology as a supporting tool but also consider it an inevitable trend for sustainable development.
This is a motivation for rural youth to start a successful business in their own hometown.
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