Specifically, the Standing Committee of Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee conducted an inspection when there were signs of violations against the Party Committee of the Provincial People's Committee for the 2011-2016 and 2016-2021 terms in implementing working regulations and leading and directing the implementation of projects and bidding packages implemented by AIC Company and enterprises in the AIC ecosystem in the province.
Accordingly, the Party Executive Committee of the Provincial People's Committee for the 2011-2016 and 2016-2021 terms violated the principle of democratic centralism, working regulations, lacked leadership in inspection work; lacked leadership and direction of the Provincial People's Committee in conducting inspections to promptly detect and take measures to correct violations and shortcomings of investors in implementing projects and bidding packages implemented by AIC Company and enterprises in the AIC ecosystem in the province from 2011-2021.
Violations and shortcomings of some party organizations and party members to the extent that disciplinary action must be taken.
After implementing the review and disciplinary process, the Standing Committee of Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee decided to discipline the Party Committee of the Provincial People's Committee for the 2011-2016 term with a reprimand.
However, because the disciplinary statute of limitations has expired, no disciplinary decision was issued.
The Standing Committee of Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee concluded that the violations and shortcomings of the Party Executive Committee of the Provincial People's Committee for the 2016-2021 term were serious enough to warrant disciplinary action.
However, in 2022, the Secretariat decided to discipline by warning due to violations of the principle of democratic centralism, working regulations and a number of other violations, so the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee decided not to continue to discipline the Party Committee of the Provincial People's Committee for the 2016-2021 term.
The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee decided to issue a warning to the Party Committee of the Provincial General Hospital for the 2010-2015 term; issue a reprimand to the Party Committee of the Department of Education and Training for the 2015-2020 term, and the Party Committee of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment for the 2015-2020 term.
At the same time, disciplinary action was taken against Mr. Ta Hong Minh, former Deputy Director of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and Mr. Tieu Anh Phuong, Head of the Planning and Finance Department (Department of Education and Training).
Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee determined: Violations and shortcomings of the Party Committee of the Department of Education and Training for the 2010-2015 term; the Party Committee of the Department of Health for the 2010-2015 term; the Party Cell of Hai Duong Children's Hospital for the 2010-2015 term; the Party Committee of Hai Duong Children's Hospital for the 2015-2020 term and Mr. and Mrs. Do Thi Thanh Xuan, former Director of Hai Duong Children's Hospital; Bui Van Chan, former Deputy Director in charge of Hai Duong Children's Hospital; Nguyen Thi Thuc, Director of Hai Duong Children's Hospital to the extent of disciplinary reprimand. However, because the disciplinary statute of limitations had expired, the Standing Committee of Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee did not issue a disciplinary decision.
In addition, the Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee has decided to issue a disciplinary warning to Vu Van Luong, former Director of the Department of Education and Training; Nguyen Thanh Cong, former Director of the Department of Health; Doan Manh Tien, Director of the Department of Health; and Vu Ngoc Long, former Director of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.
For Mr. Vu Van Luong, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Cong, and Mr. Doan Manh Tien, because the disciplinary statute of limitations has expired, the Hai Duong Provincial Party Executive Committee unanimously agreed not to issue a disciplinary decision.
The Provincial Party Standing Committee and the Provincial Party Executive Committee request competent authorities to consider and decide on disciplinary action against party members under the management of higher levels.
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