Pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution and laws, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly decided to convene the 8th extraordinary session of the 15th National Assembly to consider personnel matters under the authority of the National Assembly.
The 8th extraordinary session of the National Assembly (taking place on August 26) will consider personnel work.
The session will take place over 1 day, starting at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, August 26, 2024 at the National Assembly House, Hanoi.
Previously, on August 21, at the Party Central Office, the Politburo announced the decision on personnel work.
At the ceremony, General Secretary and President To Lam presented the decision to transfer and assign Mr. Tran Luu Quang, member of the Party Central Committee and Deputy Prime Minister, to hold the position of Head of the Central Economic Commission.
Source: https://www.baogiaothong.vn/ky-hop-quoc-hoi-bat-thuong-thu-8-se-xem-xet-cong-tac-nhan-su-192240823171037929.htm
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