VHO - It can be said that after 50 years of efforts to preserve and promote cultural heritage values, the ancient capital of Hue has revived and developed strongly. Many heritages have been saved, preserved and restored.
Importantly, those ancient vestiges, included in Hue's conservation and development plan, are having new opportunities when Hue officially becomes a centrally-governed city "on the basis of preserving and promoting the value of the ancient capital's heritage and Hue's cultural identity".
According to Mr. Phan Thanh Hai, the difficulties and challenges, from the flow of time that has passed and the opportunities that have come, are not simple. At the very least, to improve the quality and effectiveness of the work of preserving and promoting the cultural heritage values of the ancient capital of Hue, according to Mr. Hai, the locality needs to implement eight proposed solutions.
First of all, the Hue City government needs to continue to be steadfast and continue to promote the research project to build and develop the Hue Cultural Value System - Hue People suitable to the new context.
Second, localities should focus on disseminating and educating the Law on Cultural Heritage and the Decrees on the preservation, restoration and promotion of cultural values, so that this Law can be put into practice, so that people can raise their sense of responsibility and voluntarily comply with regulations on the protection and promotion of heritage values. It is estimated that from July 1, 2025, the new Law on Cultural Heritage will take effect, so it is necessary to accelerate the dissemination and popularization of this Law to all classes of people.
Next, Hue City, with its new status, needs to establish regulations for preserving and promoting the value of relics and regulations for socio-economic development. It is necessary to focus resources on restoring and conserving a number of key architectural works in the Complex of Hue Monuments.
Localities must pay attention to checking the status of relics, promptly take measures to handle and enhance the value and longevity of the works, especially works to preserve and promote relics such as President Ho Chi Minh memorial, revolutionary historical relics, cultural history and architectural art. It is necessary to organize archaeological planning, both to protect traditional culture and to serve socio-economic development and call for investment.
Fourth, it is necessary to identify that Hue heritage exists in community life and can only be protected and preserved by the community. The people are always the subject of preserving and promoting heritage values. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a plan to promote and introduce the cultural heritage values of the Ancient Capital of Hue, raise community awareness, especially the young generation, and create a spirit of joining hands to protect Hue heritage. At the same time, it is necessary to expand the socialization model to attract social organizations and international organizations interested in preserving the cultural heritage of the Ancient Capital of Hue.
Fifth, the locality should promptly conduct an inventory, collect digital data, and establish scientific records for the system of intangible cultural heritage and documentary heritage of the ancient capital of Hue; encourage the preservation, compilation, and promotion of intangible cultural forms; maintain, restore, and develop traditional crafts; conduct research on customs, traditional costumes, folk songs, folk music, and folk dances of ethnic minorities, etc. To protect these "living human treasures," it is necessary to issue policies to treat, honor, and create the best material and spiritual conditions for veteran artisans to promote their role in preserving the values of intangible cultural heritage.
Sixth, implement programs to research, preserve and promote the values of festivals, to build tourism products with the characteristics of the land. This issue must be carried out in parallel, both building a system of solutions to limit the negative effects of mass tourism, and improving the quality of art forms and activities such as festivals. It is necessary to promote the socialization of festival cultural activities to attract resources, gradually reducing the State's subsidy budget.
Seventh, Hue City needs to re-evaluate the positive and negative aspects of preserving and promoting the value of Hue heritage to serve development; and vice versa, the impact of socio-economic development on heritage conservation. Thereby, the locality will perfect the legal system, unify the management apparatus, enhance the training of quality human resources, and meet the task of preserving and promoting the value of cultural heritage.
Strengthening connections, expanding international cooperation and exchange, learning from experiences, and finding opportunities to promote cultural heritage values. Hue needs to have a plan to train a team of staff with sufficient experience and professional capacity, to absorb advanced technologies from the world, and effectively apply them to the field of conservation, restoration and promotion of heritage values.
Finally, the tourism, culture and local economic investment sectors need to exploit the unique elements of Hue's cultural heritage to develop tourism products with high specificity and competitiveness, such as effectively implementing the 4-season Festival Project, identifying Festivals as the key tourism products of Hue City, effectively exploiting the brands "Hue - Culinary Capital", "Hue - Ao Dai Capital", "Hue - Festival City". Importantly, the sectors must promote the application of digital technology to improve the quality of service to tourists and serve as a basis for promoting Hue's cultural heritage internationally.
Looking at these 8 recommendations, Mr. Phan Thanh Hai shared that all the issues of innovation and development enhancement posed to Hue City, right in the first stage of positioning as a centrally-governed city, are somewhat urgent requirements. However, looking at the responsibility of effectively preserving and actively promoting cultural heritage values, an important cultural and social foundation, and a driving force for Hue to affirm its advantages, these requirements must be studied and implemented soon.
If from the beginning, Hue creates positive opportunities to change and restructure the requirements for affirming cultural heritage values, potential risks later will be eliminated, the orientation for sustainable development of Hue cultural heritage values will be stronger and allow for more successful harvests later.
Source: https://baovanhoa.vn/van-hoa/ky-2-co-hoi-da-den-nhung-117619.html
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