The house of Mr. Tran Van Cu, 73 years old, a poor household in Hamlet 7, An Hoa Commune, was built a long time ago and has deteriorated. Being a poor household due to old age, Mr. Cu's family does not have the conditions to repair the house.
In 2023, his family received 50 million VND in support for house repairs according to Resolution 43/NQ-HDND dated March 10, 2023 of the Provincial People's Council on the policy of building and repairing houses for poor households in the province in the period 2023-2025. The house repair started in June 2023, and by August 2023, his house was completed.
Living in a new, solid and clean house, Mr. Tran Van Cu was moved to say: Thanks to the social policies of the province, the attention and support of the local Party Committee and government, my family has had better living conditions, gradually stabilizing our lives and escaping poverty.
Identifying poverty reduction as a major policy, an important, regular, long-term political task of the entire political system and society, along with the poverty reduction policies of the Central Government and the province, every year, Kim Son district has issued Resolutions, plans, and documents on poverty reduction work; directed specialized agencies to coordinate with relevant agencies and units to proactively guide the People's Committees of communes and towns in organizing implementation to ensure suitability with reality and high efficiency.
Information and propaganda work on poverty reduction has been promoted in many forms to create a strong change in the awareness of all levels, sectors and all classes of people about the role, meaning and importance of poverty reduction. Thereby arousing the will to escape poverty, creating consensus and promoting the combined strength of the entire political system and society in achieving the goal of sustainable poverty reduction.
Comrade Pham Van Kiem, a cultural and social officer in charge of the field of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of An Hoa commune, said: Based on documents from higher levels and the Resolution of the Commune Party Committee on poverty reduction, the commune annually reviews poor and near-poor households; develops a poverty reduction plan for the commune, striving to reduce the number of poor households by 1-1.5% each year; promotes information and propaganda work on policies, guidelines, and effective poverty reduction models; implements poverty reduction programs, plans, and projects to help poor households access loan sources, support employment, diversify livelihoods, and reduce poverty, etc. Thereby promoting the commune's poverty reduction work to achieve annual poverty reduction targets. In 2022, the poverty rate of An Hoa commune will be 3.79%, and by the end of October 2023, the poverty rate will be 3.1%.
To effectively implement poverty reduction work, localities in Kim Son district have actively integrated poverty reduction programs into socio-economic development plans, prioritizing resources to support production and industry development, increasing income for the poor, creating conditions for poor households to access and enjoy basic social services in health, education, housing, job creation, etc.
Strengthen training, fostering, and capacity building for officials working on poverty reduction in the district. Regularly inspect, examine, and supervise the implementation of poverty reduction work; promptly detect and correct shortcomings in leadership and direction, and strictly handle violations, if any.

Comrade Pham Xuan Phuc, Vice Chairman of Quang Thien Commune People's Committee said: In recent years, along with the implementation of building new rural areas and advanced new rural areas, the Party Committee and government of Quang Thien commune have paid great attention to poverty reduction work.
Every year, the Commune Party Committee has a specialized resolution on poverty reduction. From there, the Commune People's Committee has developed a plan to implement poverty reduction; reviewed poor households, near-poor households, and households with average living standards; and completed the Steering Committee for Poverty Reduction and the poor household review team of the village and hamlet.
Based on that, the Party Committee, Party cells of villages and hamlets, and the Front Work Committee have carried out the steps of screening, making a list of poor households, near-poor households, and households with average living standards compared to regulations, and publicly posting the list of poor households that have been screened at the cultural houses of villages and hamlets. At the same time, the Commune People's Committee has carried out poverty reduction work in accordance with the steps and regulations, ensuring that the screening is highly effective.
In addition, for social security programs, Quang Thien Commune People's Committee pays special attention to poor, near-poor and newly escaped poverty households to enjoy benefits in social security programs and livelihood creation programs; focusing on poor households in single-parent families and those with housing difficulties to be supported to build and repair houses according to State regulations, ensuring that they have a stable and long-term life.
In 2023, Quang Thien commune will support production development for 14 poor households and households escaping near-poverty with a total amount of over 123 million VND; the number of poor households in the commune's preliminary survey in 2023 is about 2.03%.
In addition, the creation of fishing rods for poor households has been of interest to localities in the area, considering it a sustainable poverty reduction solution. For poor households of working age, localities in the district have proactively coordinated with local businesses to introduce jobs; support preferential loans, and provide guidance on production methods with suitable models such as livestock farming, farming, and handicrafts to have a stable source of income. In the first 10 months of 2023, 232 poor and near-poor households in the district were supported with loans with a total cost of nearly 3.7 billion VND.
At the same time, actively implementing Resolution 43/NQ-HDND dated March 10, 2023 of the Provincial People's Council on the policy of building and repairing houses for poor households in the province in the period of 2023-2025, in 2023, Kim Son district had 106 households benefiting, of which 43 households built new houses and 63 households repaired, all of which were completed earlier than planned.
With the most synchronous, practical and effective solutions, the poverty reduction work of Kim Son district has had positive changes, the poverty rate has decreased every year. According to preliminary statistics up to October 2023, the poverty rate of the district is only 2.73%, down 0.69% compared to 2022 (the poverty rate of working-age households is only under 1.5%); contributing positively to the local socio-economic development process.
Article and photos: Tien Minh
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